God was Here

God was Here

As you walk up to two friends at a gathering, you realize one friend is right in the middle of a great story. She’s on a roll, so you don’t dare interrupt. Your other friend is wide-eyed and listening intently. The story’s climax captures your...
My “Surrender” Story

My “Surrender” Story

Mammograms, Icees, and Surrender   God’s timing. It’s perfect, isn’t it? I haven’t been to a women’s conference in years. Karli Rae was invited in November by her math teacher to sing a worship song with her at a Women’s conference that would take place in...
Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

The entire Lean into Jesus Ministries team would like to thank you for the prayers you offered up on our behalf as we prepared for last Saturday’s Trust God conference. If you were one of the 300 women who attended the conference, we sincerely hope you were as blessed...
Trust and Obey

Trust and Obey

As we approach our annual Lean into Jesus Ministry conference Trust God coming up February 2nd, I am reminded of the old hymn “Trust and Obey” written by John H. Sammis in 1887. The meaning of this hymn is fairly self-explanatory as Sammis illustrates the rewards of...