The entire Lean into Jesus Ministries team would like to thank you for the prayers you offered up on our behalf as we prepared for last Saturday’s Trust God conference. If you were one of the 300 women who attended the conference, we sincerely hope you were as blessed by the day as we were.

It takes a year’s worth of behind-the-scenes activity to pull off a day like Saturday. Prayer bathes every conference from beginning to end. Before a theme is ever selected we pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us in the direction He wants us to go. He’s never failed us yet.

The worship team, drama team, speakers, audio/visual team, and the food/coffee service team get soaked in prayer. Each participant has a specific prayer warrior praying diligently for them weeks in advance. On the day of the conference, before anyone steps onto the stage, they are again covered in prayer.

Why all this emphasis on prayer? Because we know we can’t create an atmosphere that encourages women to draw closer to Jesus without supernatural intervention from the hand of God. The same Holy Spirit that lives in the redeemed breathes fresh air into stale hearts. He demonstrates His mighty power through the testimonies that are shared. He even brings dead hearts to life!

We believe it’s our trust in God that allows the Spirit to work so many things for His good. Once again this year, last-minute problems turned tail and ran. Altered plans turned out for the best. Hard hearts melted, and fragile knees stiffened. God held up the weak, spoke through the mended, and praise filled the room.

So, I guess you could say that the One who worked hardest behind the scenes of the conference was the Holy Spirit. Not only can He maneuver the messiest details of an event for great good, but He can take your individual messes and turn them into messages of hope, love, and inexpressible joy.

Our theme for the 2020 conference will be I Am Willing. Please join us as we begin praying for God to move mightily in the minds and hearts of all who attend. Our team will be praying over the prayer cards that were filled out at the conference. If you would like to be included in those prayers, please send us your requests by filling out the “Get in Touch” section at the very bottom of our website’s home page. We would be honored to pray for you.

Keep your eyes open on the website and our Facebook page for photos from the conference. We’ll see you soon. In the meantime, be willing to trust God because … “When a believing person prays, great things happen.” – James 5:16b (NCV)

The Lean into Jesus Ministries Team

