I can remember being a teenager and watching Jerry Mcguire for the first time. Let me address the fact that I really had no business watching that movie, but sometimes teenagers just make bad choices. LOL. The defining moment of the movie comes at the very end when Tom Cruise looks deep into Renee Zellweger’s eyes and says these famous words, “You, complete me.”. My teenage heart melted into a puddle. It was all anyone could talk about for months after the movie came out. Bruce Springsteen even wrote a song for the soundtrack and played the scene in the middle of the song! Women’s hearts would be forever yearning for a man to look deep into their eyes and say the same thing. How romantic! Right?

Unfortunately, since Jerry Mcguire there have been countless other movies, books, tv shows, and social media memes that try relentlessly to sell us the idea that a perfect person, relationship, or career will complete us. We are led to believe that we won’t be whole until we meet the perfect man, or enter into the perfect marriage, or have a child, or move up the corporate ladder, or fulfill certain ministry goals. We put unreal expectations on those we love because we expect them to complete us. We feel like a failure when our efforts at work are not rewarded because we expect that to complete us. We put unwarranted pressure on ourselves to succeed in ministry because we think that will complete us and the list goes on. Thankfully, God lets us in on this wonderful truth in Colossians 2:9-10:

“For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So, you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.”

The truth is before we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior there is in fact something missing. We were created with a deep longing in our hearts for Jesus and only Jesus. As we grow older and that longing isn’t met we begin to try to find our missing piece in all sorts of people, careers, hobbies, or things money can buy. Paul saw this happening in the church at Colossae. They were still trying to find their completeness in the law. So, he reminds them that through their union with Christ they are now complete!

And so are we! Do you know that if you never get married, or have a child, or get a promotion, or make a certain amount of money, or become famous that you are perfectly complete in Jesus Christ? Please don’t let the world convince you otherwise.

The missing piece in your heart can only truly be filled with Jesus Christ. The unmet longing that keeps you up at night can only be met by Jesus Christ. I’m praying for those of you reading this that have already accepted Jesus into your heart that you would start claiming your completeness and walk in it daily. For those of you that haven’t made the decision to accept Him, but you know that something is missing, I invite you to make that decision today.
Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Lord, I confess that I have not loved you with my whole heart. I know that I have sinned against you and am in desperate need of a Savior. I believe that you sent your perfect Son to die on the cross for my sin and shame. I invite you into my heart today. Make me complete in You. – Amen

April Brazelton
Lean into Jesus Ministries
