My husband, Ricky Marsh, is a former wrestler for Guntersville High School. He won 3 State Titles as a wrestler. He was 1st in State both his Junior and Senior year. His first year to participate was our Sophomore year and he only managed to finish 2nd in State.

He almost quit that first year because he did not know what he was doing and he was losing a lot of matches. His coach could not help teach him because he was really a football coach just made to take the position of Wrestling Coach. He wanted to help but did not have the skills to do so. Thankfully a former wrestler, Ken Roadruck, came to his aide and taught him some moves to use on his opponent. Ricky has always testified that this was the pivotal point that turned his entire wrestling pursuit around. Really it was learning one good take-down move that was the spark to give him confidence in his athletic ability. He learned that move, practiced it daily and used it wisely when the match was at hand. Soon he was winning all his matches and with each victory became even more confident. He managed to come from total underdog to wrestling in the State Finals for the championship. His opponent was more seasoned and he lost by one point. But a 2nd in State finish when only months before you were going to quit was great. That lose was his last. He set records for wrestling at GHS and in Marshall County. This past June, he was inducted into the Marshall County Sports Hall of Fame and was the 1st wrestler to be given this honor. He truly loved wrestling!

I am proud of his accomplishments in the sport of wrestling. This is a tough sport because it is all on the lone individual. There is no one else to rely on when you are in a match. It is just you and your opponent. I believe that this is a perfect picture of the Christian walk we experience. I think God wants each of us to be seasoned wrestlers. I do not mean physically wrestling like Ricky, but He wants us to be practiced spiritual wrestlers. In fact, as you experience life there will be many days of wrestling(struggle); our spirit must be discerning whether we are wrestling with God or is it Satan?

We are given numerous examples of God’s chosen that experienced wrestling with Him until they were in total submission:

Jacob wrestled – with God by the Jabbok River (Gen. 32:22-32)

Job wrestled – with God sitting in ash heaps of despair (Book of Job)

Jonah wrestled – with God locked in a “Big Fish” belly (Jonah 2)

Jesus wrestled – with God praying in the Garden (Mark 14:32-42)

Each of these stories give us great insight into how we can come to the Great, I Am asking our if or why questions. In each case we are shown that submission to the will of God was the VICTORY. We may freely admit our fears, concerns, anxieties, struggles, and lack of faith to the LORD, but we must be willing to submit to Him, no matter the difficulty it might bring.

*Jacob received a great blessing and Israel was born as a Nation

*Job received restoration and his life was doubly blessed

*Jonah received deliverance and a whole city was saved

*Jesus received the cup of trembling and an entire world was given salvation

When God tests us, we may find ourselves struggling with Him, looking for blessing in the midst of our trouble. This striving is not wrong; wrestling with God can prove our faith when used in the right spirit. God will always win the match; if we are smart, the sooner we submit ourselves to Him the better.

Just as Ricky learned that one good technique, practiced it daily and used it wisely to turn all his physical wrestling matches into victories, we must also do the same in our Spiritual walk. What are good techniques? Here are some I use:

Praying fervently

Reading Scripture

Singing praise and worship songs

Participating in corporate Bible study

What is the good technique you have learned and practice daily that allows you to stay victorious in your Christian Walk?

The apostle James exhorts, “My brethren count it all JOY when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” And “Blessed is the man who endures trials, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”

(James 1:2-3 & 12)

Your Tag-team partner & Sister in Jesus,

Rebekah Marsh

Lean into Jesus Ministries
