“As you delight in My nearness, time seems to slow down, enhancing your enjoyment of Me. Thank Me for these moments of sweet intimacy.”  Sarah Young

This quote is from the Sarah Young devotion that I receive every morning. I delighted to read these words today! As I am writing this blog, the “Willing” conference is now precious memories. I commented to Charlene at one point on Saturday that I believe God slowed downtime just for us. I think this quote perfectly captured the atmosphere of the day.

Each of the three speakers had a very timely word. It was amazing how their messages flowed together seamlessly. None of the speakers knew what the other speakers would share, but God impressed upon each one the words that He desired for us.

Kara focused on the Samaritan woman at the well. Claudia leaned over to tell me that she had planned on using that same topic, but the Lord just wouldn’t give her peace about using it. Claudia was led to share from the focal passage for the entire conference, Mark 1: 4, where the man with leprosy asked if Jesus was willing to heal him. Jesus replied, “I am willing.” Rica rounded out the day with a message that had us pulling out our keys and shaking them all in one accord to prepare our minds for learning the secret to a miracle from the Lord.

The praise and worship team, Amplify, brought us into a blessed time of glorifying our Lord. Each of the ladies that sang solos was anointed, and their inspirational music graced our souls. We were entertained with a short skit called “Too Busy.” The LIJM drama girls delighted us with their rendition of the ladies’ church hostess committee meeting. I believe everyone identified with Sam’s “little toe” narrative!

Rachel Williams, one of the attendees, wrote:

“My momma and I had the enormous blessing of attending the Lean into Jesus ministries Willing conference yesterday. To say I enjoyed it would be an understatement. There’s something so beautiful about sitting in a room full of powerful, strong women of faith and praising His name. There’s something supernatural and electrifying in the air that you can feel when a chorus of young and old voices of women who have gone through so much in life are presenting a joyful noise unto Him. There’s something glorious about hearing a speaker talk, and each one of us taking away a different message directed towards us but hearing the same words. There’s something surreal about worshiping next to your mama, the leading example in your life of what it means to be a wife, mother, and Christian. I am filled and blessed.”

April Harvell said:

“The willing conference was an amazing blessing!!! The worship, the Word, I cannot even tell you how you leave feeling; there are no words!”

I know that everyone involved with the planning was totally blessed through all the positive comments we have received. Many expressed that they thought this is the best conference we have presented. I know that our God worked out many possible problems and answered our prayers for a day with decent weather. When you are behind the scene observing all the ways that God is providing, you are privileged and realize that we serve an awesome God that is concerned about helping with every small detail of an event that is designed to glorify His name.

We were thankful for each person that was in attendance, and we look forward to preparations for the 2021 conference! I usually close my blog with a prayer, but I would like to share a prayer from one of our attendees.

Mitzi Nailer wrote

“Heavenly Father, thank you for this day! It has been awesome gathered with lots of beautiful, mighty women of God who adore You and are WILLING! Willing to go and spread the gospel, share their testimonies, and worship You! A packed-out room praised Your holy name! As always, Lean into Jesus Ministry women’s conference was wonderful! I thank you for all those involved making this happen all for Your glory! I pray you continue to bless this ministry as You lead and direct them for the next conference. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!”

Rebekah Marsh

Lean into Jesus Ministries
