“And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:8-9 ESV

Raising children is an adventure. When you have two mischievous boys, you better hang on to your hat because the ride will always be filled with laughter and pranks. Little ninja jumps from behind doors and laughs hysterically as you squeal and jump. Sometimes the prank causes a more serious response, such as when children discover a space inside the middle of a circular rack of clothes that is just the right size for a small child to hide. Somehow giggles are muffled while calls of “Where are you?!?” ring throughout the store. The children are oblivious to the panic and fear that grips the searching parents. For the children, it is an extended game of hide-and-seek. An adventure. An opportunity to discover a new “place” that is outside the parent’s sight.

“Where are you?” the LORD God asked Adam and Eve as they were hiding after eating the forbidden fruit. Unlike parents looking for children in a clothing store, The LORD God was not asking so He could discover where Adam and Eve were physically located. Rather, it was so that Adam and Eve would realize where they were “spiritually.” Their reply to their Creator and LORD was not “Here am I,” which would have indicated they were ready to serve Him. Instead, it was a finger-pointing blame game brought about by disobedience to His specific instructions.

“Where are YOU?” Where are you physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally? It is a call that God sends out to us again and again. “Where are you,” is whispered by the still small voice of The Holy Spirit into the depth of your soul. “Where are you” leaps off the pages of The Word of God as Jesus Christ himself calls you to a daily walk with Him. “Where are you” shouts from all of creation. Every moment of our lives, He calls us to Himself, to a relationship, to service, and obedience. “Where are you?” is a question that begs to be answered.

The Hebrew word Hineni means, “Here I am.” People in the Hebrew Bible often used it when they responded to a direct call from God. Samuel, Abraham, Moses, and Isaiah all responded with the word Hineni as they heard God speak to them. Basically, Hineni means “I am at your service.” How awesome would it have been if Adam could have answered “Hineni” when God called to him in the garden? How about you? What is your answer to the voice of God? Are you hiding or ready to serve Him?

On Saturday, September 17, Lean into Jesus Ministries will host a half-day Bible Study titled “Here am I” ~ Hearing and Obeying God. We will explore how four men of God heard His voice and answered Him in obedient service. We will also discuss what the New Testament teaches us about hearing from God and obedience. Register for this free Bible Study at leanintojesus.com. We would love to have you join us!

Charlene Miller

Lean into Jesus Ministries
