Growing up, I always thought lighting the candles in December was just some religious tradition. I really didn’t get that Advent meant so much more. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin term *Adventus*, meaning “Arrival!” or “Coming!” It’s all about waiting for our Savior to come.

In today’s world, we’re all about instant gratification—fast food, quick searches, streaming services, and same-day shipping. We’ve lost the joy of waiting! But Advent reminds us of the anticipation that people felt about 2,000 years ago as they awaited their Savior. This year, as our church didn’t celebrate Advent in the usual way, I took some time to dig deeper into what it means and why waiting can actually be beautiful.

Advent spans the month of December, with each week focusing on a different theme that shows how Jesus’ birth changes everything. It’s a time to reflect on what He’s done for us while we look forward to His return. It also gives us a guide for how to wait on the Lord to move in our lives in whatever circumstances we are in.

1. Hope: The first week is all about hope, which I’d define as that deep conviction that God is working to make our future brighter than our past or present. One of our youth said something that really struck me: “It’s knowing Jesus has something better for us, even if we feel good right now.” Isn’t that profound?

2. Peace: The second week reminds us of the peace that God gives us. This peace is a state of wholeness and calm that comes only from Him (Philippians 4:7).

3. Joy: The third week is all about joy—a resilient cheerfulness grounded in God’s goodness (Nehemiah 8:10).

4. Love: The fourth week focuses on love, which means treating everyone as valuable and worthy of care, just like Jesus did. Robert Mullins puts it beautifully: during this time, we need to let His love fill us up, like a sponge soaking in water, so that we can pour it out to others (1 John 4:19).

As we near the end of Advent, we celebrate Christ’s coming—the gift everyone has been waiting for! Advent teaches us that where there was no hope, Jesus brings new hope—one rooted in His life, death, resurrection, and the promise of His return (Romans 15:13).

Where there was no peace, He offers a peace that goes beyond our circumstances, resting in the unchanging nature of God who sustains us (John 14:27). Where there was no joy, He brings freedom and a seat at His family’s table to everyone oppressed by sin (Luke 4:18).

Where there was no love, Jesus demonstrated perfect love, connecting with people from all walks of life and showing that everyone matters (John 13:34-35).

So, as this season wraps up, let’s finish our Advent season by worshiping Him! Whatever you’re waiting for—good health, the return of a loved one, a baby, a husband, or anything else—let’s use this season to remind ourselves to wait well and appreciate all Christ has given us during our waiting.

May this Advent season fill you with hope, peace, joy, and love as we celebrate the Miracle of His Coming!

Kristie Fowler
Lean into Jesus Ministries