Matthew 21 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”

I have read this Scripture many times but only this past Sunday did these words jump off the page and grab my attention. This obscure little detail of finding a donkey tied and waiting for Jesus had never meant much in my mind. But this time I read it and those words seemed to shout to me. I believe this is metaphor for a deeper meaning in our life.
I realized this little donkey, a colt, a never used animal was prepared for a very special purpose in what is to be the most important time of all eternity.

Little Donkey was to be the mode of carrying the Messiah, the King, the Savior to His fulfillment of purpose on this earth. Jesus knew exactly where Little Donkey was and knew his master only needed to know that the Lord had need of him. The disciples didn’t ask why, they simply obeyed and left to untie the donkey.  Little Donkey was going to bring Jesus to the people and to the Glory of His life that would soon unfold. If Little Donkey had never been untied, his destiny, his purpose would have never been fulfilled.

I believe most of us are like Little Donkey and are tied down by something that is limiting our service to the Lord. We all have a purpose for which we are born. The Lord needs us just as much as he did that donkey. We are to be doing the Lord’s work but most of us have not “untied” and God cannot use us until we are loosed. I know there are areas of my life that Jesus is asking me to untie, release, let go so that I can join the triumphal walk. What is Jesus asking you to “untie”?

Are you tethered: 
  • to burdens and sins – past and present 
  • to possessions “things”  
  • to addictions or compulsions- alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, overeating 
  • to negative emotions, broken relationships, jealousy 
  • to unforgiveness, anger, resentment 
  • to a profound sense of unworthiness that leads to hopelessness 
  • to a life of stress, worry, anxiety and fear 
  • to selfishness of your time and energy – too busy and a schedule too full?
Dwight L. Moody once said:” I have more trouble with myself than with any other person I have ever met.” When I say we all need to “untie your donkey”, I mean we must untie our life, let go and let Jesus use us in the way He desires. Untying means we are free to be carriers of Christ, servants of the King, burden bearers and obedient to our Master.   When we have loosed those ties that hold us, let go of attitudes and behaviors that  are binding, then we are ready to be used by the Lord. We are the hands, the feet, the eyes and the mouth for our Lord Jesus Christ. Your life is for the purpose of bringing glory to God, serving others and bringing them to the Kingdom.

How did the disciples and Little Donkey respond to Jesus in this scripture? Humble obedience and total faith. How should we respond today? With humble obedience and total faith in the Master. We should joyfully shout Hosanna, walk with joy and courage because dear sister, the Lord has need of you. AMEN!

Rebekah Marsh

Lean into Jesus Ministries
