Trails of Trials

“God has made me forget all my toil…God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.”       Genesis 41: 51(b) &52(b)

When we walk to the cadence of daily faithfulness, God can turn our situational prisons into humbling positions.

Do you feel like you are walking this journey of life alone?

Have circumstances caused you anxiety or depression?

Do the current social upheavals make life seem hopeless?

This life is full of trials and tribulations. There are many days that I truly believe I could not lift my head up if I only looked at the situations that surround. If we do not look to others to help us on this trail of life, we will lose our hope and joy.

I am currently in a season of lifethat is proving to be very difficult. My 96- year- old Daddy took a nasty fall two days after his birthday on May 25th. My days have been a blur since that time because he has been hospitalized and in rehab since. We are finally back home, but that is also a struggle with him having to have constant care with everyday living activities. My husband likened it to having a newborn baby, but I believe it is much more challenging because that baby wants to be cared for and nurtured. A very independent 96-year-old does not!

I have had many occasions of feeling imprisoned in my own home. I am working toward a new normal, but I have not arrived at that point. Because I also have a disease, Multiple Sclerosis, that can cause me to become bedridden, a prisoner of my own body, I doubly feel this situational prison.

This journey on Earth is just wearisome, but I have a community of people that call and encourage me, lifting my situations up to our Lord, Jesus. I would not be able to walk this trail without others. Frankly, Christians need other Christians – we are on this team to work together. This life is not a journey that can be done alone. Fellowship and friendship are vital in keeping us balanced and joyful. Our love for one another and God should be evidenced in all we say and do while walking this trail.

Do you have others around you to lift you up when hard times come?

Do you have friends that help celebrate your victories?

Do you ask for help when you are in need?

Do you cheer on others and encourage them?

Dependence on others is not a weakness, and there should be no shame in acknowledging our need for help. So why do we choose to walk the trail alone? Are we afraid to ask, not wanting to burden anyone with our stuff? I believe there is a huge difference in calling friends to complain and gripe about the unfairness of this life and calling on others to help you do life.

When there is teamwork in our trials when we experience encouragement and unity, we also have shared victories, and God should receive all the glory for the accomplishments.

Our situational prisons must bring us to the position of knowing that God will make us fruitful at every step of the way.

Dear Jesus, I seek your wisdom for the challenges I face. Help me see my need and admit when I am weak. I thank you for my community, my team of faithful friends that help me both physically and spiritually. They give me uplifting  through their words and prayers. Lord help me to pay attention to the needs of those around me. Do my life the way only You can. Make me fruitful amid my sufferings. Thank you, Lord, draw me closer and help me be faithful. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

Rebekah Marsh

Lean into Jesus Ministries
