“Christmas!” To speak the word is somehow magical.  I can feel the corners of my mouth turn up into a smile at the thought. The cold wind of winter kisses our cheeks as the very air we breathe is filled with excitement and wonder.  I have always loved Christmas.  It holds sweet and cherished memories, warmed with the realization of the unfailing love of God and joyous times with family and friends.

One of those precious memories happened when my boys were six and eight years old.  During the Christmas season, we often listened to Christmas music and talked about all things related to Christmas on the ride home from school and work.   I will never forget the dreaded conversation that popped up (seemingly out of nowhere) one evening as we made our way home.

My boys were buckled in the back seat, chattering about school and Christmas wishes.  My youngest leaned forward, up to the back of the driver’s seat as far up as the seat belt would allow.  My glance into the rear-view mirror reflected bright, inquisitive brown eyes staring deeply and directly into mine.  Obviously, this was going to be serious.

“Mom, is Santa Clause real?”  The words hung heavy in the air as I tried to quickly put together my response to a question I suddenly felt woefully unprepared to answer.  I had expected this subject to come up for some time, but all of my pre-prepared thoughts evaded me for a moment.

“Well, you know that the spirit of Christmas involves love and giving.  Santa Cla-,” I began…

“I want to know the truth,” he interjected, flatly and directly.  He seemed six years old going on 60 at the moment.

I glanced again at my precious cargo in the back seat.  Now, four dark brown eyes were peering into mine as his older brother also leaned up to hear my response.   “I want to know the truth.”  The words seemed to linger in the air, waiting in the silence that pierced the moment.

These precious children of mine had embarked on a journey that everyone takes at some point.  They had decided to pursue what many search a lifetime to find: truth.  Not a fairy tale or a “spirit” of something.  Not just the truth about a jolly and generous gift giver.  Please don’t give us nice stories or hypothetical theories.  We want the truth, the truth about Santa Clause, and everything else.  It is a trait they both bear to this day, 20 years later.  They will, no doubt, carry it throughout their lives.   Give us the truth, and we can deal with whatever may come, but we must know the truth.  So, of course, I told them the truth.  Adults playing games of pretend, much like little boys play cowboys, ninjas, and superheroes.  They received it well –better than their Mom, I think.

In John 14:6, Jesus tell us “…I am the way, the truth and the life…”  

Again in John 8:32and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

We live in a world of fakes and frauds.  There are faux pearls, furs, stones, and leather. We can get reproduction furniture, fake fingernails, and even “artificial” intelligence.    There are fake websites, apps, and advertising.  While some of these are not bad in and of themselves, some are gravely harmful.  But the truth, honest and real, is always worth pursuing.

The truth is this:  Christmas is about Jesus.  Jesus Christ is THE TRUTH, the perfect truth. There is nothing fake or fraudulent about Him.  Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.  He is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, and Prince of Peace.  HE is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He is Messiah, Emanuel, God with us, and the Savior.

While many Christians struggle with how they should or should not handle the Santa Clause of Christmas, there should never be a struggle with the truth of Jesus Christ.  This Christmas, I wish you His truth.  I pray that He reigns in your Christmas celebrations, in the joy of your heart and soul, and in every aspect of your life.  I pray that the miracle of Jesus’ virgin birth, sinless life, crucifixion, resurrection, and imminent return gives you the everlasting joy that is the true spirit of Christmas.   That, dear friends, is the truth!

Charlene Miller

Lean into Jesus Ministries
