When I was a little girl, my sister and I would spend the night with my grandparents on the weekend.  On Sunday morning, my grandmother would get us up super early because she did not want to be late for church.  No kidding, I remember sitting on the couch in my pretty ruffled dress and patent leather shoes, watching bugs bunny for what seemed like hours before we left the house.  I know I would sit on the couch because we were reminded every few minutes not to dare get our dresses dirty.  Ha!

The drive to church seemed to take forever.  Luckily my Pawpaw had Johnny Cash on repeat, which made the time go by much faster.


When we would get to church, it was always the same thing.  People would swarm us, pinching us on the cheeks, reminding our grandparents just how “precious” we were.  As a child, I gobbled that attention right up.

My grandparents were members of the Church of Christ, so all the singing was strictly acapella.  The voices were beautiful.  There is one song in particular that is emblazoned on my brain: “Sing and Be Happy.”  The men would take the lower parts while the most angelic soprano voices would soar into the rafters.  Their voices joined together in a truly hypnotic rhythm.  I loved to sing with them.

I couldn’t have been more than five years old, but my Pawpaw would stand me up in the pew and tell me, “Sing it, loud baby.” I felt as big as anything at that moment.  I realized from this early age that singing for Jesus is something I always wanted (needed) to do.

My life has taken many twists and turns since then.  I’ve veered off course a time or ten.  I’ve been high on the mountaintops and camped out in some of the darkest valleys.  Still, God is faithful.

Gifts and Talents

It honestly wasn’t until my mid-thirties that I began to truly understand that I was created with very special gifts and talents designed to be used for a very specific purpose.  God has given me the talent to sing.  He’s given me the most wonderful gift of being able to stand on a stage in a room full of people and lead them into a time of praise and worship to share the Gospel through song.

I am always so surprised when I am in a room full of women, and I ask the question, “What is your gift?” More often than not, that question is met with either “I don’t know” or “I don’t think I have one.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.

1 Peter 4:10 says: “ As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace”

If I’m honest, I haven’t always done that.  I used my talents and gifts for so long in ways that suited me and brought attention to myself.  Still, God is faithful.  He is good, and His mercy is infinite.

Still Learning

I’m still learning about my gifts and finding ways to use them along with my talents to honor and glorify God.  Knowing what your gifts are is one thing.  Using them in a way that is pleasing to the Father is another.

To this day, whether I’m singing alone in my car or leading others in worship, my mind often goes back to my Pawpaw and the days of being held by his big strong hands atop that wooden church pew.  I’m singing at the top of my lungs, and I can hear his deep but gentle voice saying to me, “Sing it loud.”  No shame, no guilt, no fear …only praise.

I’m so grateful for my Pawpaw and his obedience to use his own gifts.  He was my first voice teacher.  He encouraged me to keep singing and praising God, even when my balance was a little off.

I pray that if you don’t know what your gift is, you will take steps today on the path to discovery.

We are all beautifully and wonderfully made, created for purpose using our own unique features.

What is your Sweetest gift?

Lynn Fulwider
Lean Into Jesus Ministries