A plumb bob, or plummet, is a weight, usually with a pointed tip on the bottom, suspended from a string and used as a vertical reference line, or plumb line. It is essentially the vertical equivalent of a “water level.” Wikipedia

Every year I make a “pilgrimage” to a place that is Holy Ground for me – Morrison Campground. For ten days we have “camp meeting,” a revival type meeting that harkens back to the late 1800s. This year we had the privilege of hearing a gifted speaker – David Franklin, Bartow County Director of Missions. One of his sermons was about plumb bobs (see description above and featured picture). The sermon really resonated with me, and I would like to use it as the “jumping off” point for this blog.

What are the absolutes in your life, the plumb bobs, those things that you know that you know to be true? How do those things serve a “plumb line” when you don’t know which way is up? It seems that the older I get and the more I learn, the grayer many things get. But some things I hold on to be absolutely true and these absolutes keep me grounded when the world doesn’t make sense!

Plumb Bob Number One:
God is good! This truth must be an unshakable absolute, or we will be tossed about by every news headline, injustice, or emotion of the day. God is good, period! And He works all things together for good, whether it feels good or seems good at the time.

Plumb Bob Number Two:
God is love! And the perfect expression of His love to us is Jesus and the forgiveness of sin that comes through Him. God shows His love through Jesus, and we show our love to God through service to others.

Plumb Bob Number Three:
God’s word is true and is good for teaching and correction. It is our instruction book for doing life.

What are you Plumb Bobs? I hope you will be encouraged, as I was, to consider what those things are that you always know to be true, even when nothing else in the world makes sense. When the prodigal doesn’t come home – God is Good. When the addict relapses – God is Good. When there are senseless shoots, and innocent lives are lost – God is Good. When I am off course and feel lost – God is Love. When evil seems to triumph – God’s word is true, and we remember that Jesus has already won the final battle and that He hears the “cry of all creation to be redeemed.”

Shirley Chupp
Lean into Jesus Ministries
