Have you ever been “astonished?”  Amazed, surprised, bewildered, and shocked?  Why is it that many of us are astonished when God answers our prayers?

I love the miracle story of Peter’s freedom from Herod’s prison in Jerusalem by an angel of God found in Acts 12:1-19.  I feel a wide-mouthed smile stretch across my face as I consider the ecstatic reaction of a servant girl named Rhoda.  Can you imagine her joy as Rhoda realized almighty God had answered the fervent prayers of those gathered in the home of Mary?  She was overwhelmed with delight!   So overwhelmed, it seems, that she completely forgot to let poor Peter in through the door!

Times were tough for the early church.  John the Baptist, James, and Stephen all had been put to death by enemies of the faith because they followed Jesus.  Peter sat in chains waiting for what was sure to be the same fate unless God intervened.    So, a group of believers -the church, if you will, began to pray.  Can you imagine the desperation of their prayers that night?  Tears falling into puddles on the floor as a mix of muffled sobs and anguished voices cried out to God on Peter’s behalf.   What a powerful moment it must have been.

Several years ago, I witnessed that kind of prayer in a small church in West Africa.  The worship service had been intense.  A young man had caught my eye during the service as he exhibited unrestrained joy as he worshipped.   When the Pastor called for a time of prayer, this young man fell to his knees and began to pray earnestly.  He dropped even lower, his face near the floor as he called out to God.  He was intensely pouring his heart out to God.

When the prayer time was over and the young man stood to his feet, there was a large puddle of tears and sweat on the floor.  This man’s passionate worship touched my very soul.  I have no clue what the topics of his prayers may have been that night.  I could not understand a word he said as he spoke in his native tongue.  However, God understood every word and knew every need.  I am confident that God saw his pure worship and heard every detail of his prayer.  Perhaps the secret to the joy of the young man’s worship was the depth of his prayers.

No doubt in my mind that Rhoda had been a part of the prayer vigil for Peter that night. I wonder who she expected to be knocking on the door of the outer entrance.  Would it be more Christians coming to pray?  Perhaps the Roman authorities were there to arrest them.  I can hear her strained whisper, “Who is it?”  What a shock when Peter’s voice replied!  God heard their prayers and saved Peter! Hallelujah!  “Listen to me, everyone; God answered our prayers!  Peter is at the door!  Thank you, Jesus!”

Rhoda’s unbridled joy and confidence that the one true God who raised Jesus from the dead had delivered Peter from Herod’s jail was unmistakable.   However, the news fell on ears that were not ready to believe and receive the answer to their prayers.  They thought Rhoda was crazy!  She insisted that it was so, while they maintained that it could not be Peter.  

All the while, Peter continued standing outside the outer entrance and knocking.  Finally, they opened the door.  The people were amazed that, indeed, Peter had been set free.

Rhoda teaches me to pray with wonderful expectations. Her story reminds me to rejoice with uninhibited joy as I see God answer prayers and never let anyone deter me from the truth of which I am confident.  The joy of answered prayer –may you experience it today.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”  Ephesians 3:20-21 (ESV) 

Charlene Miller

Lean into Jesus Ministries
