This Christmas I am reminded of the great joy of obedience! When we think of Christmas, we might think of “joy” or “hope”, but rarely “obedience”.

The plan of Christmas was brought about through great obedience. Mary was obedient to the revelation of God’s plan to bring forth a Messiah to the world. In Luke 1:38 she replied “I am the Lord’s slave. May it be done according to your word”. Joseph was obedient when he was told to take Mary as his wife and to keep her pure until Christ’s birth. The shepherds were obedient to follow the instructions given to them in the announcement of the angels. In Luke 2:15-18, the Bible gives their reaction. They immediately went to see the child, then reported the message of Jesus’s birth.

The obedience of Christ overwhelms me most! He stepped out of heaven and came to earth in the humblest way He could. He took on flesh and left the throne, so that we could be redeemed. He didn’t come in a lavish palace, but chose a stinky stable. He was placed in rags, not fine linen. He did this, so that you and I could see that He came for us all! He is the King who cares for everyone, no matter their status. He lived a perfect, sinless life and was obedient to the point of death on a cross – the most shameful of ways. He did this just so you and I could have salvation and a Savior who understands our pain.

This Christmas, as we reflect on these things, I wonder, “Are we allowing obedience to God’s plan to be our heartbeat? Have we been holding back and not allowing God to work in mighty ways?” Remember delayed obedience is still disobedience. I know this because I experienced this! Without obeying God, you cannot have the peace and joy you hope for this Christmas. I pray that whatever you are struggling with, you will obey what God is instructing you to do, and experience the true freedom that comes through complete surrender to His perfect plan.

If it is forgiveness – forgive!

If it is to release something you have been holding on to – let go!

If it is to serve God – serve Him!

If it is to choose Him as Lord of all – do it!

May this Christmas be one you will always remember as the time obedience became the greatest gift!

Amanda Patterson
Lean Into Jesus Ministries
