Serve God by Serving Others

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippians 2: 3-4

We live in a day of self-glorification and people who focus on the celebration of “me.” Paul taught important truths in the book of Philippians: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.” (v.3) When we turn our focus onto serving others and not our self, we are modeling the character Paul mentions.

Paul was imploring the church to be in unity among themselves. The Philippi Church had taken sides over two quite prominent women who were arguing. Paul began this chapter with the instruction to be of one purpose and “in humility consider others better than yourselves.” The passage today is a directive to have the mindset of Christ Jesus. He was more spiritually mature than everyone He met, but He didn’t walk around in pride, arguing. He humbled Himself to become a man and model for us the behavior pleasing to our Father.

  • We mirror Jesus, who came not “to be served but to serve” Mark 10:45
  • We reflect the mindset of Jesus when we take “the very nature of a Philippians 2:7
  • We fulfill our joy when we become “like minded, having the same Love, being of one spirit and one mind.” Philippians 2: 2

Paul is commanding us to follow Jesus’ example. Live as servants of the Most High God, humbly doing what He instructs. That will have us in the same mind and purpose, considering others rather than ourselves. When the church has the attitude of Christ, we will bear fruit unto God. Unity will be evident. God will be glorified.

“A church of servants is the most powerful example of Jesus.” (author unknown)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your willingness to leave the glory of Heaven in order to come to earth and serve others. Lord, show me how to serve others more. Help me focus my heart on others interests and open my eyes to ways I can reflect Your character.  Amen.

Please pray for a dear sister, Joan Howard. Pray for healing from cancer and the strength for her soul and body. Joan is pictured with me in the lower right corner.

Rebekah Marsh
Lean into Jesus Ministries
