I believe that every single person needs to have an encounter with Jesus Christ, or they face an eternity in Hell. (John 14:1-3 and Luke 16:24)

That is a very bold statement to make in the times we now live, and it’s just not comfortable for many people to express clearly the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. Even if you say it humbly, many will ask, “Well, what about other religions?” So many people find it very difficult to boldly share the name of Jesus Christ. Additionally, some statisticians estimate almost fifty percent of Christians question whether it’s morally right to speak the name Jesus because it might offend someone.

I find it difficult to understand how one can truly celebrate Christmas without speaking about who the day is honoring – Jesus Christ!

It that surprises me is to hear a Christian say, “I’m afraid to share Jesus,” or, “I’m nervous to share Jesus,” or, “I’m not comfortable sharing Jesus.” But when they say, “I’m not sure it’s moral to share Jesus.” Now that strikes me as being on a whole different level. Interestingly, people want to respect every person’s rights, but that idealism has landed us in what many call a “Post-Christian” era. The decline in the growth of Christianity is an excellent example of the importance of evangelism. There is an urgent need for Christians to get busy doing what Jesus expects.

Consider the story of the Samaritan woman found in John 4. She had married five times and now just lived with a man, probably to have a home and food. She was a nobody in this life and such an outsider that even her people didn’t want to associate with her. She chose to avoid people at all costs – especially the looks and jeers of other women. Jesus knew she would be at Jacob’s Well that day near noon when no other people would be around. He sent His Disciples into town to buy bread so that He would be able to speak to her alone. I love that He met her on her terms in a very humble, compassionate way.

She is a very smart woman because she knows the Scripture, and she is bold enough to confront Jesus with the Scripture about the Messiah. Imagine telling the true Messiah, the Christ, what Scripture has to say about His first Advent! I can so relate to her. Jesus never loses His patience with her and comes right out saying “Ego Eimi” – “I AM.” (He had not declared this before).

Her response is to run to town and tell everyone she sees that the Messiah is with them. He is right outside of town by Jacob’s Well. She invited everyone to “Come and see this man that told me everything.”

The Samaritan woman is my hero! She just went from being a downcast, despised woman to be the first Missionary in the Gentile world! That is amazing, and only the Great “I AM” could change a life so completely.

The term “I AM” was introduced to us in Exodus 3:14 when God was speaking to Moses at the giving of the Law. Jesus Christ now uses the term for the first time to bridge the Old and New into one continuous story. The Son of God is the eternal One. He has existed from eternity past; He created all things, both in Heaven and on earth (Colossians 1:16). And He “is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is and is to come (Revelation4:8).

Jesus came into this world at the time we celebrate at Christmas, and He will soon return to earth as the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS! Go and be like the Samaritan woman. Tell everyone you see that Jesus is coming. Help prepare every heart to make room for Him. This Christmas let’s proclaim wholeheartedly to ourselves and others: Jesus is our Messiah!

Dear Jesus,
We praise You as our Savior and Lord. You are our salvation, and we thank You for being our Creator. We ask that help us be strong and courageous in the sharing of Your name – Jesus.
We know that the Second Advent of Your coming is close, and we know we have the responsibility to share the Good News, the Gospel with those we see. Sometimes we feel inadequate or unworthy, but we know that the Holy Spirit power lives within us and that He will give us the words to speak if we will be WILLING to share. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Rebekah Marsh
Lean into Jesus Ministries
