“…but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31 ESV

Life often places us in need of renewed strength.  The way gets hard.  Our load is heavy.  We find ourselves weary; how blessed that we can come to God and be revived!  He is the source of our strength.  By renewing our focus on Jesus Christ, we find not only the power to continue but joy for the journey!

Our church recently celebrated its 45th anniversary.  To honor this milestone, we planned a series of services –a revival, if you will.  We were privileged to have several previous pastors share messages that blessed us with cherished memories.  They challenged us to examine our lives as well as our relationship with Jesus Christ.  Although we had several church meetings called “revival,” true revival was not in the church services, but rather in our hearts.  Revival begins with each individual and spreads as the testimony of our relationship with Jesus is lived out.

For many years I have longed to witness and be part of a great revival.  My heart desires to see God’s church rise up and truly love, worship, and serve Him.  It seems that our culture seeks to worship ‘self’ instead of our Savior.  I join the cry of the ages, “Lord, would you please revive us again?”  The truth is, He is ready to grant us revival—personal, one-on-one revival for those who know Jesus as their Savior.

Revival is a time of renewal, restoration, and revitalization.   We find new strength in our commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ.  Our daily walk with Jesus becomes more important, more active.  Revival touches us at our core: our hearts and souls.  Revival brings us to focus on the most important thing – Jesus.

The question for today becomes, “what now?”  Lord, forbid that we allow the joy to fade and the commitment to diminish as we return to daily routines.  Please help us never “get over” the amazing sacrifice of love Jesus Christ made for us.  Let us pursue Jesus like never before, hungry and thirsty for more of Him.  Help us yearn to share the wonderful news of Jesus Christ with a terribly lost and dying world.

Our church had its series of meetings and experienced revival.  I pray it will never be past tense, but we will constantly seek to live out the renewal and restoration of true revival.

I invite you to visit the link below and enjoy the video titled My Revival by Lauren Dagel.  I pray that you will experience revival.   Your revival.  I pray that your relationship with Jesus Christ will be the most important thing in your life and that you enjoy a renewed love and devotion for Him daily.

Charlene Miller

Lean into Jesus Ministries


Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”  Psalm 85:6 ESV