“And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

Not too long ago, in my morning Bible study and prayer time, I was reminded of a very powerful truth. You see, I had been concerned and mentally anguished over a particular situation, and I just kept struggling in my thoughts. Fears of the future, things that I could not control, and daily anxieties all began to overwhelm me. It was then that I looked down at my little worn out, well-traveled, much-used Bible, and saw this message on a page that had been torn and tucked back in:


At that moment, I had a revelation! I thought, “Why am I worrying?” I reminded myself that Jesus has something that will cure my tired mind – PEACE!

In John 14:27, Jesus says “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.” You see, the kind of peace He gives cures every anxious thought and fear.

I saw a quote recently that said “Worry is worshipping the problem!” Ouch! That stung. I know that whenever I worry, I take my eyes off the only one who can solve my every problem. Worshipping Jesus and asking Him to restore my peace is the only cure!

I am thankful that He is so patient and kind with us. He knows we are broken children who need a loving Father. He is willing to restore us and soothe our troubled minds. All we have to do is ask!

Let’s pray:

Father, thank you that You care so much about us and that You are willing to give us perfect peace that no one but You can give. Help us to focus on You when we become troubled. We love and thank you for who You are.


Amanda Patterson
Lean Into Jesus Ministries
