When you decorate for Christmas, do you have music or a movie playing in the background? This year I did a little of both. Not at the same time, mind you. That would be a fiasco for those of us with one-track minds.

I caught the very end of Miss Congeniality 2 as I tied ribbon and hung garland. Even though I’d seen it before, I stopped right in the middle of the room to watch that last scene. It’s my favorite of the whole movie. (Yes, I’m that friend who randomly quotes movies in normal conversation.)  In it, Sandra Bullock’s character, FBI agent Gracie Hart, keeps a promise to help an elementary school girl with her class presentation. As Gracie tries to quiet the class so the girl can speak, she offers some fresh wisdom. Seeing that the children have no idea what she’s talking about she finally asks a simple question, “What is it everyone wants?”

Stop and think about that a minute. What would be your answer to that question?

After a long pregnant pause and a multitude of bewildered looks, the little girl in the front of the class smiles sweetly and answers, “World peace.”

Isn’t that what we’d all like a little more of; just a little more peace? Not only peace all over the world, but also peace in our own little worlds as well. During this post-Thanksgiving, pre-Christmas season I’d like to challenge you to do something that just might bring a tad more peace into your hectic world. Oh, don’t worry! It won’t take too much time or cost any money. Heaven knows December is crazy enough! It will, however, force you to be intentional with your words.

So, here it is: try saying your compliments out loud.

That’s it!

Now, there might be some thoughts that wouldn’t be appropriate to say out loud, but that’s a blog for another day – maybe one about how out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. 🙂 But, for the most part, many of us think many more niceties than we say out loud.

Just think about how many times you’ve admired a friend’s new haircut or clothes and thought, “Wow! She looks nice today”, but never said it out loud. Or maybe a family member does something exceptionally well and you take notice, but never acknowledge it. Or how about this? A co-worker or employee goes above and beyond the call of duty to help you out, but you never say a word. Your words can change a chaotic and frustrating day into one that feels calm and peaceful. Imagine the peace we all could enjoy if each of us became just a smidge more intentional!

So, in the altered words of Clint Eastwood, “Go ahead! Make someone’s day!”

“She opens her mouth with wisdom,
And on her tongue is the law of kindness.”

Proverbs 31:26

Donna Jackson
Lean Into Jesus Ministries
