I hope that everyone reading this post knows that our Lean Into Jesus Ministries team is preparing for the 2020 Conference “Willing.” We are organizing, planning, praying and pouring our energy into a one-day event that will encourage all who attend. We had a fellowship meeting during the summer to encourage our team to this same end, and it was a wonderful day of praise and worship for the God we serve as well as a day of remembrance from where He has brought this ministry.

It served us well to go back and remember from that first meeting with only 83 in attendance and the small venue of the upper room of the Glover Hotel to now having around 300 with the need of the bigger venue of the Guntersville Town Hall. We thanked God for how He has blessed this ministry and prayed for continued growth and purpose in the days ahead.  We want to know that God is willing to use this ministry to be a blessing and encouragement to women in our area. From the day of inception, that is what Lean into Jesus Ministries was designed to do – its purpose was to serve to encourage Believers in vicinity of Marshall County, Alabama.

We knew there were very capable people right here who could encourage others with their testimonies and teachings. We knew we had very Spirit-filled men and women who could lead us in praise and worship. We knew we had the knowledge and experience of event-minded women who could plan and organize an event that hosts the group of women that gather together and provide a very hospitable environment for a day of Christ-centered fellowship among people from many different denominations. We desired to have a time of fellowship among believers that transcended our differences and focused on our commonality – the grace and love of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

The theme of Willing is based on the story in the Bible found in Matthew 8: 2 – 3; and, in Mark 1: 40 -42. Mark includes the statement in 41a that “Jesus was indignant,” which is most often is seen as meaning that He was filled with compassion or that He was deeply moved.

Like many of us, the leprous man had no doubt in Jesus’ ability to cleanse him. He needed to know that Christ was willing (consenting, desirous, ready) to do this. Don’t you hear the sigh of relief the man must have breathed as he heard Jesus say, “I am willing. Be clean!” Like this man, we must recognize that Jesus is not only able to meet the demands of our everyday human struggles, but He is also willing to do so. We must believe and ask. Our God, who is rich in grace, mercy, and love will be willing to give us an answer.

God was willing to bring about the great miracle of sending His Son, Jesus that would forever change the course of humanity. Christ was willing and able to become our salvation by His willingness to endure the suffering of the cross and wipe away all our sin. Can I get an Amen, Hallelujah, Praise Jesus and thank you, Lord!

Are we willing to answer Jesus’ call? Are we willing to follow in obedience? The question is simply, (insert your name) are you willing? Rebekah, are you willing?

Dear Jesus, we come before You in awe and wonder of the miraculous way the cross has cleansed us! We know You willingly suffered to give us the gift of salvation. We praise You for being a God that loves us unconditionally and is always willing to hear our prayers. I love You, and I ask that You help me be the willing servant that would please You in all my ways. I know You are willing, help me be willing also.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Rebekah Marsh, willing servant of the Most High Savior!

I hope to see you February 1, 2020! Register today by clicking on this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/lean-into-jesus-ministries-11113111020
