“A joyful heart is good medicine…” Proverbs 17:22a

Recently the honest response of a precious young man made me laugh. Among the last to welcome him to our fellowship as a new believer, I asked, “Do you mind if I hug you?” His response was sweet and kind, but it made me laugh out loud: “You might as well, everyone else has.”

One of the most treasured attributes of my extended family is the constant presence of laughter. It seems woven into our DNA to embrace every opportunity to lighten a moment with a good giggle. Don’t expect a whimsical grin or chuckle; it is more likely to be a full-on, belly hurting, eyes tearing event. From my earliest memory to this very day, when our clan gathers, shenanigans abound, and you can be sure there will be laughter.

Laughter is a gift from God. Science confirms that a good laugh may improve health.  It can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, alleviate pain, and promote a feeling of well-being. Laughter is referenced in the Bible many times. A few examples include:

• While delivering the Sermon on the Mount, in the section known as the Beatitudes, Jesus spoke of the blessing of laughter after a season of weeping. (Luke 6:21)
• The Psalmist wrote of the Lord filling people with laughter (verse 2) and turning weeping to joy (verse 6). (Psalm 126)
• Solomon spoke of “…a time to weep and a time to laugh” in the often quoted A Time for Everything section of Ecclesiastes. (Ecclesiastes 3:4a)

Each example offers the stark contrast of the sadness of weeping to the joy of laughter. The human experience provides ample opportunity for weeping. Trouble seems to lurk on every corner. Dear children of God, the season of weeping will pass, and joy will come.

The following photos were chosen with the hope that they will make you smile. This devotion is short and sweet, which might also make you smile! I pray you will embrace the opportunity for joy despite your current circumstances. Embrace the One who personifies pure joy, Jesus Christ, our Lord. I wish you the best as you read this message; I hope you smile.

You are loved,

Charlene Miller
Lean into Jesus Ministries
