What a beautiful, warm, and sunny day! I can’t wait for spring. It is officially twelve days away, but you would assume that with today’s weather, we were already there.

It is my favorite time of the year. My pink saucer magnolia tree is in full bloom. It was rainy and windy earlier in the week, so my yard is a sea of pink magnolia petals. The blooming Bradford pear trees have burst wide open with the warm temperatures.

I decided to stroll around the yard this afternoon to see what was coming awake from its long winter nap, and I caught a glimpse of tiny buds barely peeking their heads out on the stems of a bush. The intricacy of that tiny bud drew me in for a closer view. Only our sovereign God could do such magnificent handiwork! His creation is amazing, with every detail intact. I was reminded of the process that a tiny little bud experiences as it unfolds into a beautiful bloom; each color is so brilliant, and each fragrance has a specific aroma that allows you to smell it before you see it.

Did you know there are over 400,000 known flowering plants in the world? I read recently that biologists have discovered over 30,000 known species of fish! It is amazing to watch those nature channels as they capture with camera exposure the many exuberant colors, shapes, and sizes of sea animals that lie under the surface of the ocean.

I am a bird lover. Watching them out my kitchen window daily brings wonderment to the very few different varieties that I can identify. Some have the colors of the rainbows, and others fade into the landscape, each purposely created within its own environment.

Have you gazed toward the heavens and looked at the stars lately? Astronomers estimate that their existence is roughly 10,000 stars for every grain of sand on Earth!

How they even try to calculate that does not begin to register in my little mind. Do you think God is in the details of His creation? Genesis 1 states:

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God  moved upon the face of the waters.  And God said, let there be light and there was light.”

After God declared every design and detail good, He wanted to go further. He wanted to make the most special creation of all—one that would be up close and personal. He wanted this creation to resemble His image and likeness, so He created man. He desired humans to have dominion over all His previous creations and to tend to God’s nature in a human experience.

He wanted us to be fruitful and multiply. He wants us to be productive and has equipped us with gifts to accomplish it. When he breathed the breath of life into us, we became spiritual beings living in a human experience. But from the beginning, we were intended for eternity with Him through Jesus’s sacrifice for our sinful human nature. With God as our architect, He has designed plans that if we will seek them out, we can build a Godly temple that will replenish our life. Yes!! God is in the details!!

Every aspect of our lives is important to God: our strengths, weaknesses, desires, needs, joys, fears, passions, and losses. He desires us to seek him in every decision and to knock for the right opportunity to be opened.

When the prophet was told by God for Namon to dip seven times, six would not do. When God told Jonah to go to Niniva, Jonah disobeyed and went by ship toward Tarshis, which caused a terrible storm and prepared a great whale to swallow Jonah. When God told Moses to speak to the rock, and he struck it, the result cost him the promised land. God is in the details.

When we are willing to expose every fiber of our being to the knowledge of our all-seeing, all-knowing God of the universe, His plans to prosper you and give you a future will be evident in all we seek to do.

Our prayer today is in Psalm 139, where David said:

“O Lord, thou hast searched me and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.”

Look for Him in the details. He is there.

Diane Mann
Lean into Jesus Ministries