“Today will definitely be an impact day!” 

The morning news meteorologist wore a serious “game face” and pled to grab viewers’ attention. Tornado season brings its share of severe weather to Alabama, so it is prudent to pay attention to weather forecasts and plan accordingly.

My husband turned to me and lightheartedly asked, “What will you do with your impact day?” It was his clever way of asking about my plans, but the question hit me squarely in the heart. I pondered it the rest of the day, not because of the impending weather but because it posed an essential question in my spirit. How can I make each day an impact day for Christ?


“Impact” is often measured (or projected) through various analyses. There are cost impact studies, environmental impact assessments, and economic impact analyses. Each of those studies has the potential to affect decisions significantly. Meteorologically speaking, an impact day features weather that will likely “disrupt normal activities.”

Many of us are planners by nature. Disruptions in our plans and activities are typically not our favorite! We prefer feeling we are in control. We expect activities and events to play out according to our ideas; however, I have found that “cause and effect” can wreak havoc on what is usual and expected!

What if we welcomed disruptions as opportunities to share the love of Jesus with others? What if we invested our time, energy, and possessions in other people instead of living for ourselves? I wonder what we might see God do if we genuinely lived to make every day an ‘impact day’ for the Kingdom of God.


We look to Jesus Christ as our example and see Him committed to others. Every day of His earthly life was a Kingdom Impact day. It was filled with teaching, guiding, healing, and helping others because he deeply loved humankind. Before He ascended to intercede and prepare heaven for us, he gave us directions about how to fill our days:

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12

“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15

Jesus’ instruction is explicit: love others as I love you and proclaim the gospel to others. When we love others, we certainly want them to know about Jesus’ love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness.


We can make every day an “impact” day. So I ask, “What will you do with your ‘impact day?” Will you transfer your focus from self to others for eternity’s sake? Will you live sacrificed to Christ and allow Him to impact the lives of others through you? Let’s not settle for our small and short-sighted plans. Let’s walk with Him to impact souls for eternity.

Wind, rain, and hail damaged several communities that day; it was indeed a weather-impact day. I pray we will surrender each day to God and ask Him to make it count for eternity—making all of our days Kingdom Impact days.

Charlene Miller
Lean into Jesus Ministries