“I do.” Hearing this phrase makes us think of several things, doesn’t it? Marriage, commitment to your spouse, and promises. Personally, I found myself saying it as a commitment to put my full faith in God when my marriage came to an end a year ago.

 “Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Matthew 14:29

One week before I discovered my husband’s infidelity, I sat defeated at the time, wondering how to move forward with saving my marriage. I cried out to God to save me after not speaking to Him in over a year. Immediately, God met me where I was at. One question rang in my head: “Do you trust me?” and without hesitation, I cried, “I do.”

 “Immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘why did you doubt?’ Matthew 14:31

When we are presented with our future or current spouse in front of us, we never hesitate to seal our commitment when it comes to sickness, health, etc. So why are we uncertain about sealing those same devotions in our God?

Exactly a week later, I was faced with the truth of my husband’s affair. I didn’t cry or throw my hands up in defeat. Instead, I found peace in that moment, and my prayer was answered. The first thing I said to my mom was, “I can finally go back to church again.”

Of course, there were moments I sank in the water as I navigated through divorce as a 20-year-old at the time. Through God’s love, I learned my life didn’t end in those moments, and others’ shortcomings didn’t define who I was. And most of all, my faith in God surpassed all human understanding. God’s plan wasn’t to save my marriage. It was to save me.

When Jesus and his disciples got off the boat, the miracles did not stop there. He then went out to Gennesaret and healed those who touched Him. When He saved me, He saved my future, my relationships, my career, and the biggest one: my eternity.

I was far from perfect when I recommitted, and I am still not near perfect after I was set free, but I am rescued by grace. If God can meet Peter in his doubt, He can meet you when you hit rock bottom.

The next time you hear “I do,” ask yourself, “Have I kept my devotion to God? If not, what is halting my commitment?

Atlee Griffin
Guest Writer for Lean into Jesus Ministries