And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

2 Corinthians 3:18

Holy of Holies

The most holy, sacred place in the Temple of Jerusalem was the “Holy of Holies”, the innermost room where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. I recently spoke on this topic at our conference called “Beyond the Veil”. I taught relating the veil or curtain that covered this area to the broken relationship of God with man due to the Fall. This disconnected relation was restored at the moment the Veil was torn from top to bottom as Jesus cried out from the cross, “It is finished”. I believe the tearing of the Veil was a very important event and most of us just read over this Scripture without giving it much thought. I want us to dwell on this idea for a moment in time.

The Most Holy Place was the dwelling place of God on Earth and was represented by His Shekinah Glory emanating from this area. His glory resided between the Cherubim on the Mercy Seat of the Ark. The word for “glory” in Hebrew is Kavod. The word means honor and respect. It can also mean heaviness or weighty both physically and figuratively. So in essence, the word means something that is heavy or weighty and that which glorifies the Lord.

I have been in a season of heaviness of soul. I have felt weighted down with “stuff” that is happening in my life. Can you relate to this now or at some point in your own walk? Jesus has used the writing of this post to help me with my understanding of issues bearing down on me. I have always looked at concerns and problems as being negatives in my life but I am seeing this from a different viewpoint. The Holy Spirit has impressed upon my heart this is the very way God is growing my faith and my glory in Him is being strengthened. When we are in need is normally when we are seeking the face of God the most and this desire to commune with Him draws us closer to Him.

One of my favorite Old Testament passages is Exodus 33:22 which is God’s reply to Moses when he cried out “Show me Your glory”. God said,” I will put you in the cleft in the rock and cover you with My Hand until I have passed by.” I know that I have hidden in that crack many times and God had me covered with His righteous hand.

We are called to recognize the glory of God but at the same time we’ re to be reflections of His glory in us. Romans 8:30 tells us that God has glorified those He has justified. He wants us to walk daily in His glory, His honor and His strength. Thank Jesus we are transformed from glory unto glory. We are given full access to God ‘s throne. HALLELUJAH!

Have a blessed day Sisters,

Rebekah Marsh


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