Holdfast [ HOHLD-fast ] noun: A rootlike or disk-like structure that serves to attach certain organisms to a support.

In botany, a holdfast does exactly what it says–it holds organisms (like certain plants, algae, or lichens) firmly to substrates or supporting structures.

I recently delivered the Devotional for our Senior Adult Luncheon at our church. I chose the Bible verses from Hebrews 3: 5-6, which states:

Now Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things that were to be spoken later, but Christ is faithful over God’s house as a son. And we are his house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope. (ESV)

I illustrated the thought with the fact that God created structures in nature that perfectly show the idea of holding fast to something. Most all of us have seen plants with modified structures that will hold them firmly to a surface and keep them anchored through it all. Many vining plants, such as Virginia Creeper, utilize this structure. The picture at the top of this blog is this plant and is often mistaken for Poison Ivy, which also utilizes the hold fast.

“Holding fast” in the Bible literally means to hold your position or fix your gaze and not lose sight of your goal. So this means that our attention and, therefore, our actions are fixed on Jesus Christ.

If you are tightly secured to the Lord, the world may get your attention, but it cannot woo you from His hand or His hold on us.

In my research for this devotion, I discovered a reference to a Hymn written by Ada Habersham in 1906. The title of the Hymn is He Will Hold Me Fast.

I discovered that she not only wrote this hymn but over 200 wonderful songs. Among those great hymns is …

I’m pressing on the upward way,
New heights I’m climbing every day,
Still praying as I onward bound,
“Lord, plant my feet on Higher Ground!”

She sat under the teaching of men such as Charles Spurgeon and Dwight Moody. Ira Sankey, who accompanied Moody in his Crusades, often used her hymns because they were so rich in Biblical truths.

The first time I heard the hymn, I was moved to tears. This song perfectly embodies the truth that our attempts to “holding fast” to Jesus can fall short, but by God’s grace and faithfulness, He holds fast to me. The promise of God’s Word that Christ is the one who secures my salvation is echoed in this hymn.

When I Fear My Faith Will Fail

Faith alone in Christ alone is the only way to be reconciled to God (John 14:6). When I doubt my salvation, I have learned it is just a part of my story of faith – a stronger, more firm faith that knows it is not our strength of resolve or remarkable ability to follow that keeps us. It is always and only His firm grip, set and determined on our souls (Ephesians 1:4-5). When we fear our faith is failing or when we fear our love for God has grown cold, Jesus Christ is the One who holds us fast. As Charles Spurgeon once said,

“It was never our hold on Christ that saved us, it was Christ Himself.”

His Promises Shall Last

In John 10, Jesus shares that He gives His sheep eternal life, and “no one will snatch them out of My hand.”  We cannot sin so great as to lose our salvation, and we cannot do enough good work to maintain it. Our lives are secure simply because of Jesus’ redemption for us is secure.

In my own struggle with assurance, I have had to remind myself of all these promises again and again. Our “feelings” are not reliable, and Satan uses them to keep us cowered down. The words of this hymn help me remember that Jesus is my security – no matter how my feelings or circumstances may try to convince me otherwise.

For My Savior Loves Me So

God is the source of our salvation (Hebrews 5:9), and He will bring each of our journeys to full completion (Phil. 1:6). As we await the return of Jesus, we can live in the freedom that comes with being confident that we are His.

We do not have to prove our value or work to earn His favor – those actions follow because we love Him so much.

He holds us fast, Sisters, because He loved us before the earth was formed! Jesus gave Himself up for us and is interceding before the Father on our behalf.

Remember: He bound His heart to yours before He formed you in the womb, and He is never going to let you go. I believe this is the most beautiful promise from our Creator.

My Prayer

Dear Jesus, help me to hold fast to Your Word. Help me read it and do it. Lord, this sounds so simple, but it can sometimes be challenging in execution. I know You desire for me to come into Your presence with thanksgiving and praise for everything in my life. Help me hold fast and not let the trials of life beat me down. Help me keep my focus fixed on You and realize I am anchored to the Rock, the Creator, the Sovereign of the Universe. I need only to remain attached. Help me abide by Your grace and mercy.

In Jesus’ Name,

I have included a link to He Will Hold Me Fast by Selah. I hope you will listen and meditate on the truths that you hear.

Rebekah Marsh
Lean into Jesus Ministries