“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds”.
Psalms 147:3

How many of you have had an injury or wound that just wouldn’t heal? It may be because we don’t allow it time or because of other circumstances, but to deal with a nagging issue is not fun.

I am reminded of the body’s natural way of repairing itself and I think about how God designed it as a process. When we are injured enough to damage the first layer of skin, bleeding is the result. After the bleeding stops, a scab forms to begin the process of healing. But what if you remove that scab? The wound is open again and the healing process must start all over again.

I wonder is this how we handle certain life situations. We come to God with our hurts and ask Him to heal our brokenness. Then we open the wound again.

When we start to focus on our pain more than the One who can repair our pain, problems arise, and wounds stop healing.

I think about situations in my own life where I have asked God to heal me and then I remove the bandage before it is time. When I try to take matters into my own hands, and fix myself, this stops the process of healing.

If we are to truly heal from our hurts, habits, and hang-ups, we must come believing that God is the only remedy. That He is the healer. We must trust His process and His timing, knowing that He is fully capable of repairing our wounds.

Isaiah 53:3-5 says, “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of suffering who knew what sickness was. He was like someone people turned away from; He was despised, and we didn’t value Him. Yet He bore our sicknesses, and carried our pains; but we in turn regarded Him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But He was pierced because of our transgressions, and crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds.”

Praise God that He knows how to heal us! He took on our flesh and walked through pain and suffering on this earth. We don’t have a healer that has never experienced pain, but we have one who took on rejection and pain, so we could be healed by His wounds!

My prayer for all of us is this: may we realize that He is capable of repairing our broken hearts and rest in the process of His magnificent ability. Thank you, Jesus, for your amazing love!!

In Christ Alone,

Amanda Patterson
Lean into Jesus Ministries
