Scripture is filled with accounts of how the touch of Jesus changed lives.   He ministered to the masses. He did not hesitate to lock his eyes in a loving gaze, reach his soon-to-be nail-scarred hands out, and touch people.  God himself in human flesh, lovingly caring for his treasured creation.

I praise God for the day that Jesus touched my soul and transformed me. My eight-year-old self did not gaze into his eyes or feel the callused carpenter’s hands.  But like everyone who has felt His touch and answered His call, I was eternally changed.  There are many things a new Christian doesn’t understand, but even as a child, I knew that Jesus had touched me.  My life was now His, and my eternal home would be with Jesus in heaven.

As I write this blog, it is the first day of a new year.   I can’t help but contemplate the opportunities this year might afford.  I don’t know what 2019 will bring, but this I know: my heart desires to be more like Jesus.  Perhaps being more like Jesus means being more intentional in connecting with others.  Maybe I shouldn’t hesitate to ask the sweet gentlemen at assisted living if I can hug him.   Perhaps I need to take a long look at how I spend the fleeting gift of time. Perhaps, I need to recognize opportunities I have missed to share the love of Jesus with others.

Two old songs crossed my playlist this week, songs that are not “typical” listening for me, but songs I know well.  One was written in 1868 by Frances J. Crosby.  The lyrics softly plead:

“Pass me not, O gentle Savior,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others thou are calling,
Do not pass me by.

Savior, Savior,
Hear my humble cry,
While on others thou are calling,
Do not pass me by.”

I have sweet childhood memories of that song being played as an “invitation” at the end of services.  The alter would fill with people seeking the Savior.  Precious memories of people who needed a touch from Jesus.

The other is a Bill Gaither song, written in 1964 titled “He Touched Me.”  If you are not familiar with the song, I hope you will listen to it by clicking on the link below.  I praise God tonight with all my brothers and sisters in Christ as we join in the chorus:

“He touched me, Oh, He touched me,
And oh, the joy that floods my soul!
Something happened and now I know,
He touched me and made me whole.”

Wishing you a fresh touch from Jesus this new year,

Charlene Miller
Lean into Jesus Ministries
