A Prayer of Praise for Strength
Dear Father,
I love you; You are my strength, my Rock and my Deliverer. When Iprayed, You saved me from discouragement and despair. I called to You in my distress and You heard my voice. Your voice returned my call. You reached down from heaven and took hold of me. The enemies of death and destruction were too strong for me. They confronted me, but You were my support. You rescued
me because You delight in me. PraiseYour Holy Name. AMEN!
Adapted from Psalm 18


In Psalm 18, David is expressing his gratefulness to God. He sat down, looked back, and wrote a love letter to God. He thanked God for all the good times, for rescuing him and for keeping him from despair. He was grateful that God listened when he cried out to him and praised Him for taking hold of his life when he was at his lowest. Most of all, David thanked God for the difficult, adversarial times because he knew those years of trouble had done something good and necessary in his life. Those were the times he felt God’s strength and courage the most.

This chapter is often referred to as the Grateful Retrospect of David. He knew that from the time Samuel had anointed him to become king of Israel, he had been in tests, trials, and tribulations. He had been fighting and waiting for twenty years and the anointing had not placed him into any position of power or authority. He just needed to tell God that he still trusted in His plan.

I imagine that as David wrote these words, God leaned over the edge of Heaven, listening to David’s voice and smiling over his request for strength. I think he softly chuckled at the words – “Praise Your Holy Name”.

Through it all, God proves His character and the character of His Word. If we allow all our experiences and situations in this life to put us where God must prove Himself true to His Word – He will be our Rock, our Fortress, our Strong Tower.

Just like David, we are warriors in the battle of life. Don’t you think we should expect difficult days, weeks or years? Through the Holy Spirit power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we have VICTORY!


Dear Heavenly Father,

Today, I want to put my whole faith in You. I want to Trust You through it all. I am filled with awe and wonder that You love me enough to listen to my every word and to hear my every cry. I thank you that every day I learn more about who You are and how Your unfailing grace and mercy abound in my life. I will never give up because I know You are with me always and will never fail.

In the Name of Jesus, AMEN!

Why do you think God told us to be grateful in all things? What has God changed in your life for which you are grateful?

Think of someone who has an attitude of gratitude and tell them you are thankful for their example.

Rebekah Marsh

Lean Into Jesus Ministries
