As you walk up to two friends at a gathering, you realize one friend is right in the middle of a great story. She’s on a roll, so you don’t dare interrupt. Your other friend is wide-eyed and listening intently. The story’s climax captures your attention and is definitely worthy of the big screen, but you have no idea how it all began.
For someone who has only read the New Testament, the full meaning of the Pentecost story in Acts 2 might be lost in the “fire.” Most Christians know the story of the Holy Spirit rushing down upon those gathered to celebrate Pentecost. Yet, some might not know the significance of the fire. They’ve read how tongues of fire roared through the upper room with the sound of a rushing mighty wind. As each one settled over a believer, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. The roar of the wind caught the attention of the crowd gathered in Jerusalem. Then, Peter, filled with Holy Spirit power, boldly explained that Joel’s prophecy had just been fulfilled. God had poured out His Spirit, and Immanuel, God WITH us, had suddenly become God IN us.
In the Old Testament, Moses led his sheep to Mt. Horeb (aka Mt. Sinai), where he encountered a burning bush that wasn’t consumed. He and all the Hebrews were led through the wilderness by a pillar of fire in the darkness and a pillar of cloud during the day. Then God manifested Himself again by engulfing Mt. Sinai in fire. I’m not sure, but I think God enjoys playing with fire.
Perhaps, it’s not the fire God enjoys, but rather the effects of fire. As a means of reconciling sinful man with our holy God, God instituted a series of sacrifices to be offered. And, once again, these sacrifices involved fire. Some were totally consumed, while others were cooked and eaten. God enjoyed this pleasing aroma because it signified His children’s repentance, thankfulness, and worship.
God sent fire from heaven on three different occasions to ignite a sacrifice. Even though David, Solomon, and Elijah offered special sacrifices for different reasons, ALL of them miraculously displayed the presence and power of God. Surely afterward, someone scribbled on a nearby stone wall the words, “GOD WAS HERE!”
If you think about it, fire might seem an unusual tool for God to use in displaying His presence. After all, we most often only think of fire as a flickering force that destroys, consumes, or whose heat melts the marshmallows in our s’mores. We sometimes forget that our grandmothers passed needles through small flames to purify them before removing our splinters. We’ve become so used to the Energizer Bunny that we forget that lanterns, candles, and torches can still light a path. And let’s not forget the burst of flames propelling a rocket engine at liftoff.
God is still in the fire business. His Spirit passionately burns within us to incinerate our impurities, to consume the things that consume us, to destroy Satan’s schemes, to illuminate our paths, to ignite our passionate worship, and to powerfully propel us to love God and love people.
As Christians, we always have God’s presence with us, but we may become so easily distracted or feel so defeated that we aren’t always aware of it. Our lives should never run on feelings, but I can testify that it sure is good to feel who you’re running with when you’re running with God!
In FIVE weeks, on Saturday, August 19th, Lean into Jesus Ministries will host a half-day Bible study that will use the three sacrifices of David, Solomon, and Elijah as a springboard for experiencing the presence of God. These great Old Testament stories have the potential to fan into flame a stronger New Testament passion within your heart! I hope you will join us as we seek His presence and allow His fire to burn brighter than ever. With all the prayers that have gone up for this event, I am certain that as we leave that place, we will all be able to say, “GOD WAS HERE!”
“David built an altar to the Lord there and sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. He called on the Lord, and the Lord answered him with fire from heaven on the altar of burnt offering.” (1 Chronicles 21:26 NIV)
“When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.” (2 Chronicles 7:1 NIV)
“Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench. When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, “The Lord—he is God! The Lord—he is God!” (1 Kings 18:38-39 NIV)
Donna Jackson
Lean into Jesus Ministries

Seeking God’s Fire will be a half-day Bible study that includes excellent Biblical instruction, Spirit-filled worship, and sweet fellowship with sisters in Christ. Bible study leaders for the day will be:
- Donna Jackson – 1 Chronicles 21:26 (David)
- Rebekah Marsh – 2 Chronicles 7:1 (Solomon)
- Shirley Chupp – 1 Kings 18:38 (Elijah)
- Worship with The Brazelton Sisters
Prepare your heart to experience our Lord God as He demonstrates His power in His acceptance of the sacrifices of Old Testament leaders through His consuming fire.
AUGUST 19, 2023
Doors open at 7:45 AM. The program begins at 8:15 and concludes at noon. Tickets are $10. Coffee and light refreshments will be served.
“…so these people will know that You are the Lord God” 1 Kings 18:37
or call 256.738.3430