When I look out over the lake and see the ripples in the water and the sun reflecting in brilliant shades of orange and yellow, I see Your hand. 

When I walk along a shady path covered with trees and feel a gentle breeze and watch and listen to the birds singing and flying around joyfully, I see Your hand. 

When I walk around and gaze at the multi-colored fragrant flowers dancing in the wind, casting their fragrance into the air, I see Your hand.

When I walk along the sandy beach, and I hear the waves crashing against the shore, feel the sand between my toes, smell the saltiness in the air as the wind cools my skin, I see Your hand.

As I hike and reach the mountaintop, I notice rock formations that are mysterious and plant life that shimmers in the sun, then I reach the top of the hill, and I am in awe, once again, at the majesty of Your creation, and I see Your hand.

This beautiful creation would not exist without a Creator. Let’s take every opportunity to see the beauty and be thankful for everything God has created for us to enjoy. Everything He created, He has put His fingerprints upon. He has created all this beauty to remind us of His love. He longs to hear your voice; give Him thanks for all He has done for you. So let’s enjoy the beauty of our magnificent Creator, Our God.

Beth Nahkala
Lean into Jesus Ministries