I often wonder how I ever got anything done before I retired! I stay so busy now that I cannot imagine working a full-time job in my schedule. So when I was praying about what to write this month, my mind would drift off to the many things I thought I “should” be doing. But God has a way of getting Himself front and center in your (and my) life!

Recently, I was WALKING through a large grocery store parking lot when…WHAM. I was hit by a car! The car’s driver admitted she was in a hurry and was not paying attention. The pain was pretty intense, and to say I was shaken up would be an understatement. About forty-five minutes later, I was more coherent, so I called my husband. His first question was about the car. I replied, “No, sweetheart, the car hit my actual body.” I was sure my leg was broken and maybe other complications, but I was perfectly okay, just incredibly sore. I was told many times how lucky I was, to which I replied, “It is all God,”

But then God gave me a word, and I knew He was trying to tell me to change my response. God reminded me how much He loved me, so my response changed to, “God loves us all so much; He is faithful in all situations.”

God is all-encompassing LOVE! He is goodness, kindness, faithfulness, mercy, devotion, favor, and so much more. His love cannot be broken, and we cannot be separated from His love. His unconditional love for us is His covenant with us through Jesus.

So what does this all mean?

Friends, have you ever had someone love you so much that they would give up their child for you? Would that person take beatings and scourgings with a barbed whip for you? Well, our God did that because He loves us so much! That love is a love you can never earn or deserve or even fathom, and it is free to those who believe.

Why would anyone not want to be loved that much? I pray no one has to be hit by a car to realize the vast scope of God’s Love and the peace it can bring you now! Come to Him today.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Jeri Lynn Daniel
Lean into Jesus Ministries