This is a true story, but not my story. It is a story of sorrow but also joy!

I once had a good friend I will call Pat. She developed lymphoma, but treatments and surgeries were not successful. Sadly, in 2022, she was sent home to die. Even sadder, though, was her family situation.

Pat was not raised in the church or to know our Lord, nor did she raise her children to know the Lord. Her nuclear family was (and still is) a large landowner worth much money. Pat was supposed to inherit a small portion of
her parent’s estate land, and another family member was to inherit the larger portion.

Pat was my friend for many years. I, and many others, witnessed to her. She was always kind but not receptive. I visited her many times during her cancer treatments and continued to witness to her. When she found out she was certainly dying, she turned to God. Her conversion was real and genuine. I spent many Sundays with this friend, talking to her and answering her questions about the afterlife and our Savior, Jesus Christ. It was a sweet, sweet time.

The devil knew he was “losing” another of his “flock.” My friend spent her last months reading the Bible and rejoicing. I urged her to tell her children of her conversion, but she simply was not able to approach that in her last days. She was hurting emotionally. She had asked her family member to let her children inherit her small part of her parent’s estate upon her death, and that person refused. That person even spread rumors that Pat was faking her cancer. This hurt her to the core. The devil had a tight hold on that family. Greed and money are tools the devil uses to split families and cause harm. Believe me, I also know something about that as well.

I have stayed in touch with Pat’s daughter over the last one and a half years. The last time I talked with her, I was given sweet news. Pat’s daughter has started going to church and Bible study and is also taking her two teenagers to church. I asked her what or who brought her to Jesus. She replied, “Jeri Lynn, sometimes God uses unsaved people to bring others to Him.”

She explained that after seeing her family treat her mom the way they did, she knew she needed peace in her life, and that type of peace only comes from Jesus!

Never underestimate what God is doing behind the scenes or the unsaved people he may be using to bring others to Him. God uses many mysterious ways to save lost ones for His glory!

Jeri Lynn Daniel
Lean into Jesus Ministries

 “For nothing will be impossible with God.”
Luke 1:37