Have you ever heard the phrase, “God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called?”

I have read more books on “finding your purpose” than there are stars in the sky. I think we have all been there at least once in our lives, if not several times. It’s so easy for us to look at others and say, “Wow, I sure wish I had found my purpose at that age!” or, “I still don’t know what my purpose is!  Maybe God can’t use me because I really don’t have any talents.”

My questions to you would be these, are you making yourself available for Him to use? Are you asking Him to use you each day to be a blessing to someone?

God knows our hearts!  He knows our desires, our schedules, and our willingness. So, are we truly making ourselves available for Him to use at any time – even when it’s scary or doesn’t make sense? Or, are we thinking on such a huge scale that quite frankly, He might not think we are ready for our own pulpit or music stage? If He can’t trust us to be obedient in the little things, how will we ever be obedient in the big stuff? I believe God will use us even when we think we are unlikely to be chosen. In the Bible, we see several people who seem to be the unlikeliest candidates to get chosen for the big stuff!

Let’s take Moses for example. He felt insecure and inadequate, yet freed an entire nation from slavery (Exodus 3:11, Exodus 4:10-17)

Rahab, a harlot, rescued Israelite spies and became part of Christ’s lineage (James 2:25, Matthew 1:5)

Paul, a terrorist toward Christians, emerged as one of Christ’s most dedicated missionaries who went on to write most of the New Testament (1 Corinthians 15:9, Ephesians 3:8)

Jeremiah, doubted God’s call because of his age and became a prophet to the nations (Jeremiah 1:4-7)

It all boils down to trust and faith that God will do what He says He will do when He wants to do it. If you feel like you really struggle in this area, ask God to give you strength to wait and a heart to be led to do his will for your life, no matter how small the task might look to you.  Pray for God to strengthen your belief in Him and to always be available to hear His still, small voice.  Talk to God, invite Him into your innermost circle like your closest friend, and watch him begin to move in your life. Then, you too will see how He uses unlikely people to become part of the greatest story ever told.

Prayer:  Gracious God, remove our doubts and fears when we feel like we are unlikely or unworthy to be used by you. Help us to listen, be obedient and willing to do your will every day so that we will become the women you have created us to be. In Jesus name, Amen.

Beth Nahkala
Lean into Jesus Ministries
