When Jesus turned and noticed them following Him, He asked them, “What are you looking for?” John 1:38

What exactly are YOU looking for in your relationship with Jesus Christ? Are you sold out in your decision to follow Jesus, or are you merely trying to get by? Do you sincerely and honestly view Jesus as King of your heart and Lord of your life?

Last week I was privileged to attend an outstanding two-and-a-half-day Christian women’s conference. I joined sixteen hundred women as we praised Jesus Christ, studied His Word, and enjoyed sweet fellowship. I was challenged and encouraged by the speakers, testimonies, and break-out session information. The conference was precisely what I had hoped it would be: Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, educational, and doctrinally sound. It was what I was looking for it to be.

As Christ-followers, we might well ask ourselves the question Jesus asked the two disciples in John 1:38. John the Baptist had given personal testimony to his disciples that Jesus was indeed the long-awaited Messiah. John said, “I have seen and testified that He is the Son of God!” (John 1:34) The next day, John and two of his disciples saw Jesus passing by. He pointed the disciples to Jesus as he exclaimed, Look! The Lamb of God!” (John 1:36) John did not mix words or leave any room for misunderstanding. He proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah. He happily pointed others to the Lord.

Scripture tells us John’s disciples heard John say, “Look! The Lamb of God!” They followed Jesus. The disciples didn’t wait to think it over, discuss it with friends, or consider other options. They didn’t put off the decision until a more convenient time. They immediately followed Jesus.

Jesus saw the two men following him. He asked them, “What are you looking for?” They replied, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” (John 1:38) I believe the disciples intended not only to follow Jesus but to stay with Him. Jesus issued them a beautiful invitation: “Come, and you will see.” (John 1:39)

What are you looking for as you follow Jesus? Are you willing to see that He is Messiah and faithfully follow Him based on that truth? Is His divine identity enough for you to drop everything and discern that He is all that matters? Everything else in life falls into place behind loving and serving our Savior. As Jesus continued to summon the disciples, He called to them, “Follow Me!” I believe it is the same for us. Jesus wants us to follow Him and stay with Him.

People search for many things in life. Whatever one might try, only Jesus can satisfy the most important need of your heart: a right relationship with God. Jesus offered Himself a perfect sacrifice so that we can have that relationship. He offers forgiveness, grace, mercy, hope, and eternal life.

Would you be willing to ask yourself two crucial questions: “What am I looking for as I seek Jesus?” and “Am I willing to answer His call to “follow” wherever He leads? I pray you will seek Jesus Christ as Lord, stay with Him, and yes, faithfully follow Him. You will find that He alone will satisfy the deep needs of your heart.

Charlene Miller
Lean into Jesus Ministries
