Every Friday morning at the school where I teach, we have a bible study for students before school. Some of the teachers usually go. I am one of those teachers. This past Friday, I was behind on work, stressing about getting everything done, when one of my fellow teachers asked me if I was attending the meeting. I said I was too busy, and too far behind, so I would not be there. As I was completing odd and end jobs in my room, I could not shake the feeling that I should be in that room. So I left what I was doing in my classroom and joined the meeting late. I was so glad I did. We were challenged to put our hands to the plow and keep our eyes on the Lord and His work instead of our own. It completely changed my perspective for the day.
As I was sitting in that room, the students and teachers in that room were all attentive to hear what the Lord had to say. Both groups had other things they could’ve been doing, but they made it a priority to be in that room to learn about the Lord and put him first in the school day. That’s when I realized why these meetings are called “First Priority.” This reminds me of Matthew 6:31-33:
“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
In all aspects of my life, I love making checklists. Nothing is more satisfying to me than throwing away a sticky note that has every “to-do” on that list marked through and complete. These lists range from packing lists to things to get done at work to long-term projects that need to be completed. I LOVE lists. However, this verse reminds me that those lists aren’t my first priority. What matters is that I seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, and then all of those things will fall into place as long as His will comes first.
I’ve come to the realization that most times, His Kingdom and His will, are not on any of these lists I have lying around. I’ll be the first to admit that I want to do things my way in my order on my time. Over and over, when I come up short or fail, I am reminded that that is the wrong thought process. The Lord created us and has the road map for our life. He has the map, but I am trying to drive my way. That is why I keep coming up short and not getting everything done because I am the one trying to do it all instead of giving it all to Him.
I am so glad that that teacher reminded me to make Him my First Priority. I am thankful that when He is my first priority, the rest of the lists fall into place.
Kristie Brothers
Lean into Jesus Ministries