A mustard seed is tiny—almost insignificant. Yet, within this small seed lies the potential for tremendous growth. In the same way, Jesus used the mustard seed to illustrate a truth about faith and its capacity to produce great results, even when it seems small at first.

Jesus often used parables to communicate, and one of His most famous teachings comes from Matthew 17:20. Here, Jesus says:For truly I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” 

This scripture highlights the power of faith, even when it seems so small. Jesus wasn’t suggesting that the size of our faith is the issue, but instead, He stressed the potential that comes from having genuine faith, no matter how small. Just as the mustard seed grows into something large and fruitful, even the smallest amount of faith in Him can lead to extraordinary results.

This really resonates with me. I can name dozens of times in my life when I was so weak and broken and felt as though I was literally hanging by a thread. I have been so broken that I could only whisper the name of Jesus because I didn’t know what else to say. I just knew I needed Him. This is why the parable of the mustard seed is one of my all-time favorites, because so many times in my life, it’s all I’ve had. Looking back on those moments now, I can clearly see it’s all I ever needed. What a beautiful reminder.

In Luke 17:6, Jesus once again mentions the mustard seed: “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.”  In this passage, Jesus demonstrates that even the smallest faith, when applied in trust and action, can bring about miraculous change.

What Makes Mustard Seed Faith So Powerful?

1. It Grows: A mustard seed starts small but grows into a large plant. In Mark 4:30-32, Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed, illustrating that though the beginnings may be small, the outcome is extraordinary: What seems like a small act of faith—prayer, a step of obedience, or trusting God’s promises—can lead to significant results as we nurture and develop that faith.

2. It Trusts: Mustard seed faith isn’t about having all the answers or an abundance of strength. (Good for us) It’s about trusting the One who does. It’s not the amount of faith that moves mountains; it’s the object of our faith. Scripture assures us that God rewards faith, no matter its size.

Hebrews 11:6 says: “And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” 

My son and his girlfriend were right in the path of this latest deadly hurricane (Milton), and there were several times when I honestly wanted to get in my car, drive to Florida, and force them to come back with me. I was reminded over and over of this parable. I KNEW God would take care of them, one way or another.

It’s almost indescribable. At the height of the storm, hundreds of miles from my son face to face with uncertainty, I can honestly say my fear, anxiety, and desperate need to control almost got the best of me… but God. He is so good to me; He knows me inside and out, and His mercy is unending, which works out well for me because I need a lot of it. In those moments, I felt a peace that truly surpassed my own understanding. God is good, but I had doubts. I had moments of panic when my intrusive thoughts crept in and had me in a proverbial choke hold, but still, that small voice continued to echo. In all honesty, sometimes, the voice of my husband reminded me to relax and TRUST. To which I am grateful.

3. Faith Perseveres: The growth of a mustard seed doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, and so does the growth of our faith. We may face setbacks, challenges, or doubts, but mustard seed faith continues to persevere, trusting God through the process.

James 1:3-4 reminds us that faith grows stronger through trials: “Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” This perseverance, rooted in faith, is what leads to maturity and completeness in Christ and is the practical application of mustard seed faith, lived out in our daily lives when we often feel overwhelmed by the “mountains” in front of us—whether it’s financial struggles, health issues, broken relationships, personal doubts, or my current struggle, parenting a young adult.

The purpose of mustard seed faith is that it challenges us to stop focusing on the size of the obstacle and start focusing on the greatness of God. When Jesus speaks of moving mountains, He’s encouraging us to trust that no challenge, no intrusive thought, no overwhelming situation is too big for God. We are not required to have perfect faith, but we are invited to place whatever faith we have in Him. Start with the faith you have, no matter how small, and put it into action. Pray; even when you’re unsure if things will change, pray in faith, trusting God to work on your behalf.

Act on the promises of God, even if it seems like a small step. Just as a seed needs to be planted to grow, our faith must be exercised to see its full potential.

4. Trust God’s Timing: Man, this has always been a hard one for me, but it’s necessary for growth, which takes time. Trust that God is working in the unseen and uncertain, even when the results aren’t immediate or favorable.

There is great power in the name of Jesus. If you are in a dark place, a lonely, isolated place, and you are feeling hopeless, too weak to shout from the rooftops proclaiming your abundant Faith- a whisper is all that is needed. He knows you, He still hears you, and He will honor your mustard seed of faith in whatever ways bring glory to Him and ultimately good for you.

Start small; trust BIG!

Lynn Fulwider
Lean into Jesus Ministries