A few months back, my family and I stopped at an ice cream shop for a treat. When we lined up to pick our flavors, I noticed that no longer was the process simple. Due to the changes with COVID-19 and social distancing, getting an ice cream now required extra measures.

I slowly felt myself becoming agitated with the situation.  Thankfully I was able to talk myself through all the negative thoughts. We sat down to enjoy our treats as another series of events unfolded – a nagging bee, the hot sun, my child dropping the newly purchased ice cream on the ground, a small dispute between siblings over who was to blame.  Uh oh, I felt the frustration rising again! As I felt frustration rising, then came the change of attitude.  I let the change take over my actions. I became snappy with my family and began to ruin a quality family moment. I allowed the situation to change my perspective.

As we were walking back to our car, I looked down at the ground. I had swirling thoughts running through my mind and a frown on my face.  It was then that I noticed a shiny object with small writing that caught my eye.  I picked up the small shiny flattened object. It was a bottle lid that had been run over by a car.  It had writing on it that said,

“Did you know that vinegar can dissolve a pearl?”

It was simply a shared fact on a piece of advertising, but I felt as if it was a message just for me.

Was I letting the “vinegar” of my bad attitude dissolve the pearl of the blessing that I was experiencing that day?  It was then that I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit say, “Change your thoughts, focus on the pearl!”  As I gathered my composure, I realized that I had fallen into the trap of negativity and lies that the enemy had set for me.

When we lose sight of the important things, we can become discouraged, dismayed, disgruntled, and depressed. It is not uncommon for our human-condition to take over; the battle of the flesh is a daily battle! God’s Word reminds us of some useful truths to combat these negative behaviors. In Philippians 4:8-9, it says:

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable – if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise – dwell on these things. Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.”

I am so thankful that despite our humanness, God still provides us with the tools we need to walk in peace with Him.  Let us fix our minds on Him and focus our eyes on His goodness, and He will help us in the days of difficulties. It will not be an easy thing to do, especially since we live in a fallen world, but I believe He is faithful and will see us through no matter what we may face. Just remember not to let the “vinegar” of life dissolve your pearls.

“You will keep in perfect peace the mind that is dependent on You, for it is trusting in You” Isaiah 26:3

Amanda Patterson

Lean into Jesus Ministries
