Every single day, we make decisions that affect our lives and the lives of others. Some decisions are quite easy. For instance, should we rob a bank or not? Of course not! But some decisions are quite difficult, and some decisions we make are difficult because we do not follow God’s Word.

Previously, I ran a large business. If there was a business decision to make, I researched information like market trends, availability of a product, ease of transportation, the needs of my customers, and much more. Many decisions were driven by strategic data. Those decisions were very simple to my analytical mind. Even though we need to talk to God about all decisions, I want to talk more about life decisions.

I have made many bad decisions in my lifetime. I was married previously, and before I married the first time, I had not talked to God about my decision. The man came from a good family, but there were hidden problems. I never asked God to open my eyes or for wisdom or to help me make a Godly decision. I was a churchgoer, and he was a churchgoer.   I thought, “all is good”. Divorce followed after much pain and hurtful years. I did not pray about the decision; I did not sit in silence and listen for God’s voice or wait for the Holy Spirit to move inside me. I simply jumped into what I thought I wanted.

I write this because I currently have a medical decision to make about a future surgery. I have asked God for the best surgeon, the best hospital, the best references, and much more. I have researched extensively but still have not received my answer. But while praying the other night, I selfishly told God that He had not given me the answer I needed! IMMEDIATELY, God pressed upon my heart that all my studies and prayers recently have been guided toward getting what I wanted…answers to my medical dilemma. After being chastised, my heart was full because I knew the answer. I am to just worship and praise Him and study His Word. The answer will be revealed in God’s good timing, and I am not to worry or fear. God will come through. He always has!

When making a decision, please start with The Word. Practice humility and seek the knowledge God’s word gives. Seek wise counsel and commit your direction to God. And lastly, trust God’s timing.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.”

Jeri Lynn Daniel
Lean into Jesus Ministries