“I have spoken these things to you so that My joy may be in you, and your joy may be complete.” John 15:11

What does it mean to have joy? I’ve asked myself this question many times throughout my years of walking with Jesus. Joy is something that the world has no concept of. Usually, joy and happiness are confused with each other, and people are left wondering why they cannot achieve it. Well I know the answer to this question, true joy can only be found in one place. It can only be found in Christ alone!

In John chapter 15, Jesus speaks to His disciples and instructs them. He is giving them crucial information before He leaves this earth and sends them out in His name. He speaks to them about Him being the vine and tells them that they must remain in Him if they want to bear fruit. Then He begins to discuss with them the way to have complete joy. He addresses the disciples by saying, “I have spoken these things to you so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. This is My command: love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:11-12

That is the key to unlocking true joy! We are to love one another as Jesus has loved us. When we are doing this, we are fulfilling His command, and we remain in Him  -connected to the vine. Without “remaining in His love,” we cannot have true joy. Joy cannot be bought and is not found in your present circumstances. Joy flows out of the condition of your heart. It is visible to others when we obey what Christ has told us and love each other with an extra measure of grace. I know that this easier said than done, especially in this self-serving culture in which we live. Where we are encouraged to choose what we want over loving our neighbor as ourselves.

Just imagine, if Christians truly obeyed what Christ commanded us, what a difference we could make in this world that is suffering from hopelessness! My friends, we will never receive what Jesus has in store for us if we are not honoring and obeying Him.

Please don’t misunderstand me; I don’t always get it right. I have been just as guilty as anyone else of looking to empty things. But I am reminded each time that I do that that is not the way. The only way is His Way!!  May we all seek His will above our own and submit to all that He has called us to be. For His glory and His name, then and only then will we have true joy!

Amanda Patterson

Lean into Jesus Ministries
