Bridge Building

Bridge Building

Be a Bridge-Builder As the end of another year rapidly approaches, I see it as a good time to reflect on the days that have passed and as a time to look forward to what may come in the year ahead. Previously, as I have in the years gone by, I think about the...
Thanks in Squirrely Times

Thanks in Squirrely Times

Learning the proper use of nouns and verbs in English class comes easily for most fifth graders. Spot jumped. Jane ran. Jack laughed. Easy peasy, right? Yet, throw in a few adjectives, adverbs, and some pesky prepositions, and watch things get a little squirrely. That...
Reconciling Broken Relationships

Reconciling Broken Relationships

In September of this year, our young adult class started a new study on The Beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5. Jesus had just begun to preach repentance and call his disciples to follow him as He went about all of Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, preaching the...
Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor

A question was asked of Jesus in Matthew 22:36: “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus responded, “You should love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And...
Super Strength

Super Strength

The JOY of the Lord is My Strength I recently completed an online quiz that gave insight into the type of “devotional formula” that is best for me. As it turns out, I was classified as a Word Nerd. This means that I delight in taking a word from Scripture...


In 1960, I was born into a Christian family. My Dad answered the call to preach when I was one year old. A few years later, he answered the call to pastor. He had surrendered his life to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He loved the Lord his God with all his heart. In...

Upcoming Event

Saturday, February 15

Do you long to experience profound peace? Join the Lean into Jesus team as we endeavor to STILL our hearts in the presence of Jesus.