When my kids were young they enjoyed submerging bits of dry, animal-shaped cellulose into a tubful of water just so they could watch them transform into flexible, user-friendly sponges. It’s amazing how much more interested they were in getting clean whenever they washed with those soft, resurrected animals.

You probably remember seeing a similar phenomenon happen within the church just after September 11th. Rough, dry pieces of the church came together to drink from the same life-giving stream. We longingly searched for something to quench our thirst for peace, calm, and security. United by tragedy and grief, the only thing that mattered was faith expressing itself through our love for each other – no matter our theological stripe. We cried together, prayed together, and worshipped together.

Ezekiel witnessed a similar vision of resurrection in Ezekiel 37. God led him to the middle of an arid, dusty valley covered with dry, bleached-out bones. These lifeless bones symbolized the nation of Israel who had distanced themselves from God through their disobedience and idol worship. Removing themselves from the River of Life caused deep cracks of painful dryness. But the God of Hope lingered, waiting to be embraced. Hope always lingers.

I am pretty sure there are Christians today who feel dry and lifeless. I’ve been there. I know how that feels. But I see great hope for today’s church. Just like those clacking, dry bones in the valley snapping together bone to bone, I am hearing a rattling sound. Jesus-believers from all races, creeds, economic levels, and ages are beginning to breathe in the breath of God. Their scrawny spiritual skeletons have been renewed. Once-hardened hearts now beat with passion. I can see a vast army rising to its feet upon hearing God say, “I will put my Spirit in you and you will live!”

This robust militia has learned we all have a common enemy who loves to gnaw and crunch on dry bones. Don’t believe Satan’s lies. The church is not dead. It’s reviving! If you’re not sure you believe that, join hands with someone who does. We don’t have time to waste! Submerge yourself in the water of the Word. You’ll soon feel a stronger beat in your softened heart. Breathe in the Spirit, and experience overwhelming joy. You can become part of this vast army. When God’s Spirit-drenched Church rises up as one magnificent army, we just might be amazed by the world’s interest in getting clean.

On February 4th, you will have the opportunity to join hands with those who share this vision. Lean Into Jesus Ministries will have their annual conference at Guntersville Town Hall. This year’s theme is “Worthy”. Even though registration is still a few weeks away, you’ll want mark your calendar now, and invite your friends. For now, sit back, and enjoy Lauren Daigle’s song “Come Alive (Dry Bones)”.

Donna Jackson

Perfection Road and

Lean into Jesus Ministries
