Be a Bridge-Builder

As the end of another year rapidly approaches, I see it as a good time to reflect on the days that have passed and as a time to look forward to what may come in the year ahead. Previously, as I have in the years gone by, I think about the challenges I encountered from the year and contemplate the positive experiences as well. When I do this, I try to take inventory of the experiences, glean the lessons that I have learned, and seek to apply them in my life.

I look forward to the year to come, and as I do, I ask the LORD to reveal to me what my focus should be in the future days.

While I was reflecting on this the other morning, He revealed to me a theme for the year ahead through a single word. That word was “bridge-builder.” At first, I was a little perplexed, but as I began to think about the meaning of this theme, I was filled with a sense of responsibility and purpose for the days ahead.

“What does it mean to be a bridge-builder,” I asked myself. I can tell you I had to think in a manner of self examination. I have been a great “wall-builder,” putting up bricks of protection toward anyone who has hurt me or caused some kind of strife. My first reaction is to get out my trowel and start fortifying myself from any kind of contact with those people, but is that really what God wants me to do? Now, don’t get me wrong when I say this: I am not advocating for you to allow yourself to be abused by someone, but I am speaking in terms of how I believe we are to reach those around us for Christ.

Jesus speaks to this in Matthew 5:43-47.

43 “You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. For He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing out of the ordinary? Don’t even the Gentiles do the same?”

What Jesus is calling us to do in these scripture verses is to be a “bridge-builder” for Him.

When we love our enemy and pray for those who have wronged us, we fulfill what Christ says, and this will allow His will to be done on earth. It starts a process where walls begin to be torn down, and bridges can be built so that Christ’s love can walk from our hearts to others. This process can bridge the gap that cannot be crossed by the methods of this world.

In the Enduring Word Biblical Commentary, it says of these verses:

Remember, Jesus here taught the character of the citizens of His kingdom. We should expect that character to be different from the character seen in the world. There are many good reasons why more should be expected from Christians than others:

  • They claim to have something that others do not have; they claim to be renewed, repentant, and redeemed by Jesus Christ.
  • They do in fact have something that others do not have; they are in fact renewed, repentant, and redeemed by Jesus Christ.
  • They have a power that others do not have; they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.
  • They have the Spirit of God dwelling within them.
  • They have a better future than others do.

If we are to truly be spiritual “bridge-builders” for Christ, we must take hold of the strength He alone provides to achieve this great task. We cannot operate on our own. I, without Christ, am selfish, hurtful, mean, and rude. But, with Christ, I am selfless, loving, patient, and kind. As I grab hold of this concept for the next year, I want to live in such a way that He can be magnified. I want others to know Him and to see that He loves them. I want them to see His redemption in their lives.

If He can take a messed up person like I was and redeem what was lost, He can change anyone! By His great mercy and redemption on the Cross, He made a way for all to be saved. May we take the days ahead and focus on the task at hand. Pray for those who have wronged you, serve others, forgive those who have hurt you, comfort the brokenhearted, and be a light in the darkness. Be a “bridge-builder” for Christ so His love can cross all the expanses that cannot be reached without Him!

5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Amanda Patterson
Lean into Jesus Ministries