


He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty, I will say to the Lord, my Refuge and my Fortress, My God in whom I trust. Psalm 91:1-2 Blessed are those who take refuge up Him. Can I get an amen? These last few months have been...

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Hospitals, Hotels, & Home

Hospitals, Hotels, & Home

On the morning of April 15, 2024, I got a call. My eighty-five-year-old Mother had taken a fall. That fall resulted in a broken hip and many bruises, which caused her anguish and much pain. The following day, she had surgery to repair her broken bones. Plates, rods,...

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Heart Poisoning

Heart Poisoning

Recently, I had a small reunion of former co-workers at my home. The visit was delightful, and old times were the topic of conversation. The night seemed magical until one friend started feeling unwell. She attributed it to her acid reflux, but I thought maybe she had...

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Welcome our friend and guest blogger, Angie Conn Hotalen, to the Lean into Jesus Ministries blog space! Last week, Angie shared the following on social media: Her sweet sister, Jennifer, went home to be with Jesus in 2022, and her Mom passed in 2023. Angie beautifully...

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Under Fire

Under Fire

Under Fire Let’s face it—life is hard! Whether you are 15 or 105, the struggles we all encounter will sometimes be overwhelming. From physical to spiritual, we are not immune from enduring them, but we do have instructions on how to overcome them. Jesus says in John...

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"Today will definitely be an impact day!"  The morning news meteorologist wore a serious "game face" and pled to grab viewers' attention. Tornado season brings its share of severe weather to Alabama, so it is prudent to pay attention to weather forecasts and plan...

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The Greater Miracle

The Greater Miracle

Were Adam and Eve created with a starter set of words? As God breathed life into them, did He also breathe a rich, colorful vocabulary that could adequately describe the Tree of Life’s leaves waltzing with the morning breeze? As Adam closed his eyes to recall...

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You are Invited

You are Invited

Last weekend, we had the privilege of hosting our friends, Brenda and Bruce's wedding ceremony in our little garden. It was a perfect, beautiful spring day, with just family and a few close friends attending. What a blessing it was to see two hearts joined together as...

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Mentoring the Next Generation

Mentoring the Next Generation

Summer is in the air, school is out, and young adults are graduating. Fifty years ago, it was me! WOW, how can this be? The saying is true: time flies when you are having fun. Recently, I met a young man who is hungry for God. He has lots of questions, wants to...

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