
Faith of a Mustard Seed
A mustard seed is tiny—almost insignificant. Yet, within this small seed lies the potential for tremendous growth. In the same way, Jesus used the mustard seed to illustrate a truth about faith and its capacity to produce great results, even when it seems small at...

Faith Like a Child
As a teacher, I've always loved my job and the role I have in teenager's lives. But lately, I've found myself learning more from my students than I ever expected– especially when it comes to faith. In recent weeks, I've witnessed the following: ● A popular middle...

Forever Friends
God graciously blesses us with various friend groups over a lifetime. Early childhood friends often become our best high school buddies if we live in one place long enough. Later, we bond with college classmates and others with whom we share a common element, such as...

Pull Up a Chair, Sister, I Saved You a Seat!
"Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 As I looked around the women at the table, I was overwhelmed with appreciation for these beautiful souls. All at various times in life, ages, married, single, and widowed....

Anxious for Nothing
I have a confession to make….I have been plagued with anxiety lately! My mind has raced with anxious thoughts and swirling questions of “what if”. My fears have been uninvited, yet when they have come knocking, I have allowed them to enter my mind. I have entertained...

"I do." Hearing this phrase makes us think of several things, doesn't it? Marriage, commitment to your spouse, and promises. Personally, I found myself saying it as a commitment to put my full faith in God when my marriage came to an end a year ago. “Then Peter got...

Moving, Falling, Rising Up
For several years, my sister Edna has felt that she needed to downsize and sell her home, which had a big yard to mow. She had prayed to find a location in development with community-friendly neighbors and a minimal yard. After searching for several years with the...

This World is Not My Home
Though I was born in the big city of Tucson, Arizona, I now reside in a small town in North Alabama. I remember what it felt like when I had to say goodbye to my childhood surroundings. I still remember the familiarity of comfort and the discomfort of a move to a new...

Confusion vs Peace
Confusion means being bewildered and unclear in your mind about something going on in your life. It means being distracted, agitated, and lacking clarity. Have you ever had a situation in your life where you had no idea what to do? Confusion will divide you from God’s...

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty, I will say to the Lord, my Refuge and my Fortress, My God in whom I trust. Psalm 91:1-2 Blessed are those who take refuge up Him. Can I get an amen? These last few months have been...
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