
Hearts of Love

Hearts of Love

When an old dog needs to learn new tricks, the puppies sometimes lead the way. At 18 months old, my youngest granddaughter Callie was curious when the smallest crumb left on the kitchen floor became a tasty treat or a play toy. She often imitated barks from her dogs,...

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Live in the Moments

Live in the Moments

I just watched the sweetest "love story" movie! One of the last lines said, "In the moments of life, good and bad, just live life!" Very few days in this life are utopian days, and many days are ordinary days. Then, there can be very hard days that knock the breath...

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Every year, my church calls a 21-day Daniel Fast. During this time of concentration and seeking God, I try to reflect on the things that God wants me to work on in my life. It's amazing what God will show you about yourself. On the 12th day of the fast, God began to...

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On September 11, 2001, at 8:46 am on a Tuesday morning in New York City, an airplane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Seventeen minutes later, at 9:03, a second plane crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:37, a third plane...

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Yearning is defined as “an intense longing for something.” I have been through a lot in my life, and God has always helped me walk through all my hardships. I love our Lord and follow Him and worship Him, but do I “yearn” for Him? Two years ago, I felt I needed...

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New Year, New Beginnings!

New Year, New Beginnings!

I've never really been someone who sets New Year's resolutions. Probably because of the rare times that I did, the goal or resolution was a bust by the end of January. This would usually lead to more disappointment and self-loathing, so I decided that wasn't for me....

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Waiting Well

Waiting Well

Growing up, I always thought lighting the candles in December was just some religious tradition. I really didn't get that Advent meant so much more. The word "Advent" comes from the Latin term *Adventus*, meaning "Arrival!" or "Coming!" It's all about waiting for our...

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A Place for Me

A Place for Me

Christmas is finally here. It's a busy time for most folks, but what joy! I love all things Christmas. It brings me immense joy to consider which gift a loved one might fancy, decorate my home in festive colors, string beautiful lights, and bake those special cookies...

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Mission Field

Mission Field

Where is your mission field? I once had a dream in my heart to go to Africa; I was set on it. I believed it was where God was sending me. Just when the plan started coming together, life happened, and things changed. Now, I say life happened, but what really happened...

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