One of the perks of being single at Christmas is that I can watch as many Hallmark movies as I want without having to explain myself to someone. Who cares if they are cheesy and most of the time I can predict the ending within the first 10 minutes of the movie. I love them. The other night; however, I decided to deviated from the Hallmark channel and instead watch one of my all time favorite Christmas movies called The Santa Clause. The one where Tim Allen’s character becomes Santa after the real Santa falls of his roof. In the movie Tim plays a dad who has lost touch with his son and the joy of Christmas. As they arrive at the North Pole, he still thinks that he is having a dream because he doesn’t believe that what he is seeing is real. Then sweet Judy the elf tells him that seeing isn’t believing, but that believing is seeing.

I know that this is a secular Christmas movie, but I know for a fact that God was speaking so strongly to me through that elf. “Seeing isn’t believing, April. Believing is seeing. You don’t have to see it happen to believe that I can do it!” Yup, that’s pretty clearly what I heard God saying to me in that moment. Why is it so hard for us to believe in things that we haven’t seen happen yet? I know I can’t be the only one to struggle with this. Has God made a promise to you that hasn’t been fulfilled yet? You haven’t seen the end result and now you are living with a spirit of unbelief? God reminds us in his word over and over again that our belief in Him is what enables us to see His glory revealed.

In John 11:38, Jesus had just arrived on the seen of Lazarus’ grave. Martha was grieving the loss of her brother and feeling a little frustrated that Jesus didn’t come sooner to heal him. She tells Jesus that it’s really too late now to do anything and that he’s been dead for so long there is now an awful odor coming from the grave! In verse 40 we pick up with Jesus’ response to Martha when he says, “Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” I love this! If you believe, you WILL see. Not once you see, then you will believe. Jesus didn’t just heal Lazarus, He brought him back to life. Jesus wanted Martha to believe that He could do ANYTHING! No one had seen Jesus perform such a miracle, but He wanted them to believe that He had the power to do more than they could even imagine.

What is God asking you to believe Him for that you haven’t seen him do yet? I know I am one of those people who is always looking for the tangible evidence that God is at work. I want to actually see that circumstances or relationships are changing. To me, that’s how I know that God is at work. But, maybe God wants our faith roots to grow down even deeper to a place where we don’t have to see anything change to know that our God is able. It’s hard, I know. We could always be disappointed, right? Nope. In Ephesians 3:20 Paul says, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Even when we can’t see it or even think it, God can do it.

Noah hadn’t seen the flood, yet He built the ark. Abraham hadn’t seen the promise land, yet he went. The priests hadn’t seen the waters of the Jordan dry up, but they stepped in anyway. They had not seen God do what He had promised, yet they believed. Their faith in God came first and as a result God revealed Himself to them. I want my name to be added to that list. April hadn’t seen ______, yet she believed. Our faith is what ushers in the miracle. Believing is seeing.

Believe that God can change a heart, or heal a person, or resurrect a relationship, or bring a financial miracle, or give you peace even if you haven’t seen any evidence of it yet. If you believe, you WILL see. God’s promises are sure.

For those of you that are on the verge of giving up today because you haven’t seen God move yet, I’m asking you to hang on. Keep believing. Keep praying. Keep asking. God will reveal himself to you! Praying that because of your faith, many of you will receive a Christmas miracle!

April Brazelton

Lean into Jesus Ministries
