I know that exercising our voting rights is our civic duty and I do plan to vote, but I am so weary of this election.  I am tired of “he said; she said” tactics and I just want to ignore it altogether.  I am so thankful that I am allowed to live in Guntersville, Alabama in the United States of America and blessed with a good home, family, friends, and church.  I continually remind myself that our country works best when we act as good citizens.  We have the privilege to vote our convictions, but my distress comes from others belittling my decision.  I am not a better or worse person based upon the way I vote.  I am one that is praying and seeking direction from the Lord, Jesus and concerned about our country.

Jesus did not come to the earth in His first Advent to create the perfect political system.  He only told us to obey the government when it was not in direct opposition to what the Bible states.  1 Peter 2:13-14 in the Message Bible states, “Make the Master proud of you by being good citizens.  Respect the authorities, whatever their level; they areGod’s emissaries for keeping order.”  Verse 17 reminds us, “Love your spiritual family, revere God, respect the government.”

I am thankful for my life here, but I must keep in focus the idea that this world is not my real home.  I am a citizen of Heaven.  I belong to the Kingdom of God and I anticipate that time when I will move.  In the meantime, I want to be the best example of a Christ-follower that I can be.  I do not want to argue about politics; I do not desire to assault others verbally and I do not want to make someone feel stupid because they do not have the same actions as mine.  I do want to do the following:

*love you as Christ loves you,
*glorify God in my words and ways,
*serve others,
*encourage those who are downhearted,
*speak words of edification,
*help others go to Heaven, and
*be a good citizen representing the Kingdom.

I pray that God will bless our country and our politicians, whoever that will be.  I will continue to pray each day for the President and all our other leaders.  Our Lord Jesus commands this.  Join me in praying for America and be a good citizen by voting.

Regardless of what party you belong to, Jesus Christ is our King.  I desire to be in His presence.  I pray, hope, wait, and yearn for His return and the Rapture of His Church.

Rebekah Marsh

Lean into Jesus Ministries
