After spending a week in the big city of Chicago, my heart is so full and yet so sad. I enjoyed every minute of our vacation, except the quiet time. There was a large usage of free and public wi-fi everywhere. It was all over the city. It was even in the buses, trains, and subways. I was reminded of it by the quietness on the public transportation systems. I made a conscious effort to stay off my phone hoping to engage in conversation with someone from Chicago. I kept hoping that I would sit by someone who would talk to me. If you know me, you know I love to talk. It was very hard to sit quietly. I imagined what a ministry would be like on the public transportation system.

I asked my children when we got home how they felt like we could have been a better witness for the Lord in Chicago.
They said, “momma we prayed before every meal”.
They said, “momma we were nice to all the waiters at the restaurants and staff at the hotel.” They said, “momma we can lead by example since we were too fearful to interact with strangers.”

As an adult if I was honest, it was too intimidating to begin conversations as I was out of my comfort zone. I have always heard not to look for the right person, but to be the right person, and they will come to you.

We did make a new friend on the trip named Nathan. His business is making handmade leather journals. He noticed that Ian worked his Rubik’s cube very fast and came over to talk to us about it. He was I must say, very cool! We made fast friends and he wrote in his weekly blog (Tom Sawyer Tuesday) about meeting Ian. We left an impression on him and he certainly left one on us. His hashtag is #getlosttofindyourself.

I have looked for scripture to accommodate my thoughts this week in my blog but I couldn’t find the appropriate ones. I found some inspirational ones. The main thing I wanted to say was that we should keep our heads up and our eyes focused on Jesus.

Psalms 9:1 “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart. I will tell about the wonderful things you have done.”

Psalms 30:12 “You wanted me to praise you and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever!”

Wendy Griffin

Lean into Jesus Ministries
