First Priority

First Priority

Every Friday morning at the school where I teach, we have a bible study for students before school. Some of the teachers usually go. I am one of those teachers. This past Friday, I was behind on work, stressing about getting everything done, when one of my fellow...
So Good

So Good

Friends, fellowship, family, and faith; oh my, they are so good! My calendar for October is full. Notes dot the schedule page with appointments, time with friends, high school reunions, birthdays, and more! Autumn is a lovely season. With the subtle beginnings of...
What’s IN your cup?

What’s IN your cup?

Like many people in America, various glasses and cups fill my cabinet. Some were gifts; I purchased others on vacation or trips. Most I bought because I liked how they look, are designed, or feel in my hand. Half Full or Half Empty People often refer to one’s...
Choose Joy

Choose Joy

Have you ever laughed so long and hard that it made your whole being tingle with joy? It is almost as if your entire body was rejoicing and healing all at the same time. Well then, let’s keep talking about it! One morning I was sitting on the porch with my cup...

Upcoming Event

Saturday, February 15

Do you long to experience profound peace? Join the Lean into Jesus team as we endeavor to STILL our hearts in the presence of Jesus.